Examination venues
Where does the examination take place?
The expert knowledge examination according to § 34a GewO (guarding) is taken by many, but not all, Chambers of Commerce and Industry offered. You will find the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) in all larger cities or conurbations in Germany. You can usually find out in advance where exactly the examination is offered at the respective IHK on the Chambers’ websites. In the letter confirming your registration for the examination, the relevant Chamber of Industry and Commerce will tell you exactly when and where you have to be present. In most cases, the written and oral examinations take place on the chambers’ own premises or at the associated IHK academies. For binding, detailed information, it is best to contact the relevant Chamber of Industry and Commerce directly.
Which IHK offers the expert examination?
According to our research, the following Chambers of Industry and Commerce currently offer the examinations according to §34a of the Trade Regulation Act:
- Baden-Württemberg
- IHK Stuttgart Region | www.stuttgart.ihk24.de
- IHK Bodensee — Oberschwaben, Weingarten | www.weingarten.ihk.de
- IHK Heilbronn-Franken, Heilbronn | www.heilbronn.ihk.de
- IHK Hochrhein-Bodensee, Constance (Schopfheim) | www.konstanz.ihk.de
- IHK Südlicher Oberrhein, Freiburg i.Br. | www.suedlicher-oberrhein.ihk.de
- IHK Karlsruhe | www.karlsruhe.ihk.de
- Rhine-Neckar Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Mannheim | www.rhein-neckar.ihk24.de
- IHK Nordschwarzwald, Pforzheim (Niefern) | www.nordschwarzwald.ihk24.de
- Bavaria
- IHK Munich and Upper Bavaria | www.muenchen.ihk.de
- IHK Nuremberg for Middle Franconia | www.ihk-nuernberg.de
- IHK for Lower Bavaria, Passau | www.ihk-niederbayern.de
- IHK Regensburg for Upper Palatinate / Kelheim | www.ihk-regensburg.de
- IHK Swabia, Augsburg | www.schwaben.ihk.de
- Berlin
- IHK Berlin | www.ihk-berlin.de
- Brandenburg
- IHK Ostbrandenburg, Frankfurt (Oder) | www.ihk-ostbrandenburg.de
- IHK Potsdam | www.potsdam.ihk24.de
- IHK Cottbus / Wildau | www.cottbus.ihk.de
- Bremen
- Bremen Chamber of Commerce | www.handelskammer-bremen.ihk24.de
- Bremerhaven Chamber of Commerce and Industry | www.bremerhaven.ihk.de
- Hamburg
- Hamburg Chamber of Commerce | www.hk24.de
- Hesse
- IHK Frankfurt am Main | www.frankfurt-main.ihk.de
- IHK Hanau-Gelnhausen-Schlüchtern | www.hanau.ihk.de
- IHK Kassel-Marburg | www.ihk-kassel.de
- IHK Lahn-Dill | www.ihk-lahndill.de
- IHK Fulda | www.ihk-fulda.de
- Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
- Rostock Chamber of Industry and Commerce | www.rostock.ihk24.de
- Lower Saxony
- Hanover Chamber of Commerce and Industry | www.hannover.ihk.de
- Lüneburg-Wolfsburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry | www.ihk-lueneburg.de
- IHK Oldenburg | www.ihk-oldenburg.de
- Chamber of Industry and Commerce for East Frisia and Papenburg, Emden | www.ihk-emden.de
- North Rhine-Westphalia
- IHK Aachen | www.aachen.ihk.de
- IHK Ostwestfalen zu Bielefeld | www.ostwestfalen.ihk.de
- IHK Nord Westfalen, Münster / Gelsenkirchen | www.ihk-nordwestfalen.de
- Dortmund Chamber of Industry and Commerce | www.dortmund.ihk24.de
- South Westphalian Chamber of Industry and Commerce in Hagen | www.sihk.de
- IHK for Essen, Mülheim an der Ruhr and Oberhausen | www.essen.ihk24.de
- Düsseldorf Chamber of Industry and Commerce | www.duesseldorf.ihk.de
- Cologne Chamber of Industry and Commerce | www.ihk-koeln.de
- IHK Bonn/Rhein-Sieg | www.ihk-bonn.de
- Saarland
- HK Saarland, Saarbrücken | www.saarland.ihk.de
- Rhineland-Palatinate
- IHK Koblenz | www.ihk-koblenz.de
- IHK Rheinhesse, Mainz | www.rheinhessen.ihk24.de
- IHK Pfalz, Ludwigshafen | www.pfalz.ihk24.de
- IHK Trier | www.ihk-trier.de
- Saxony
- IHK Chemnitz | www.chemnitz.ihk24.de
- Dresden Chamber of Commerce and Industry | www.dresden.ihk.de
- Leipzig Chamber of Commerce and Industry | www.leipzig.ihk.de
- Saxony-Anhalt
- IHK Halle-Dessau | www.halle.ihk.de
- Magdeburg Chamber of Commerce and Industry | www.magdeburg.ihk.de
- Schleswig-Holstein
- Lübeck Chamber of Industry and Commerce | www.ihk-schleswig-holstein.de
- Thuringia
- IHK Erfurt | www.erfurt.ihk.de
- IHK Ostthüringen zu Gera | www.gera.ihk.de
You can find an overview of all chambers on the DIHK website.
There in the “IHK Finder” you can search for the nearest chamber: www.dihk.de/ihk-finder
When are the examination dates? You will find an overview of the next regular dates for the examination of expertise § 34a GewO for (prospective) security staff in the next chapter!