
Big ticket, litt­le ticket — what is that sup­po­sed to be?

Big ticket, little ticket - what is that supposed to be?

The con­fu­si­on is great

Again and again one reads in job offers, job appli­ca­ti­ons or cour­se offers about the big or small “Secu­ri­ty cer­ti­fi­ca­te” — some­ti­mes just cal­led a lar­ge or small note.
Such terms are also fre­quent­ly used in forums, on social net­works or even on the pages of cour­se pro­vi­ders. But bewa­re: The­re is no such thing as a lar­ge or small secu­ri­ty pass!


What is meant by “secu­ri­ty certificate”?

Sec­tion 34a of the Trade, Com­mer­ce and Indus­try Regu­la­ti­on Act (Gewer­be­ord­nung) con­ta­ins important pro­vi­si­ons on what a per­son must ful­fil if he or she wants to “pro­fes­sio­nal­ly guard the lives or pro­per­ty of other peo­p­le”. The § 34a GewO is pri­ma­ri­ly aimed at Secu­ri­ty con­trac­tor and regu­la­tes what they must ful­fil in order to regis­ter a guar­ding trade. Howe­ver, it also regu­la­tes that the trades­man may only ent­rust the per­for­mance of guar­ding tasks to per­sons as Workers who, as guards, on the one hand, are per­mit­ted to requi­red Relia­bi­li­ty on the other hand, have cer­tain Mini­mum qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons have to show. With regard to qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on, this omi­nous “cer­ti­fi­ca­te” often comes into play: by “lar­ge cer­ti­fi­ca­te” some mean the suc­cessful pas­sed exami­na­ti­on, i.e. pro­of of the pas­sed test per­for­mance at the Cham­ber of Indus­try and Com­mer­ce. The “small cer­ti­fi­ca­te” is some­ti­mes cal­led the Par­ti­ci­pa­ti­on in the brie­fing This is a cour­se in which you only have to com­ple­te 40 tea­ching units and recei­ve a cer­ti­fi­ca­te of atten­dance, the “cer­ti­fi­ca­te of atten­dance”. Pro­of of ins­truc­tion, is given. During the ins­truc­tion, no know­ledge is sys­te­ma­ti­cal­ly tes­ted, only a kind of short com­pre­hen­si­on test takes place. In the case of the exami­na­ti­on of pro­fes­sio­nal com­pe­tence, on the other hand, the­re is a 120-minu­te writ­ten test and a sub­se­quent oral exami­na­ti­on. The Exper­ti­se test is accor­din­gly clear hig­her-qua­li­ty than the ins­truc­tion and one is also allo­wed to take on spe­cial sur­veil­lan­ce acti­vi­ties, such as pat­rols in public traf­fic are­as or working as a shop detec­ti­ve. How the ins­truc­tion pro­ce­du­re and the exami­na­ti­on of com­pe­tence work, what is asked and who does not have to take part in it, if appli­ca­ble, is descri­bed (among other points) in the Sur­veil­lan­ce Ordi­nan­ce regulated.


Why are the wrong terms used for the expert know­ledge examination?

In my esti­ma­ti­on, this has various cau­ses. Some peo­p­le sim­ply do not know any bet­ter, some pro­no­un­ce Con­ve­ni­ence only brief­ly of the “appearance” and some per­sons (espe­ci­al­ly com­pa­nies) use inten­tio­nal­ly wrong terms. Sin­ce the actual­ly wrong terms are quite com­mon in cer­tain cir­cles (espe­ci­al­ly among the less qua­li­fied), many peo­p­le who want to prepa­re for the exami­na­ti­on of pro­fes­sio­nal com­pe­tence sim­ply search for the term “secu­ri­ty cer­ti­fi­ca­te”, for exam­p­le. Or else Com­pa­nies mis­lead pro­s­pec­ti­ve cus­to­mers into belie­ving they have more than they actual­ly have in them: In the past, the­re have always been trai­ning com­pa­nies that offe­red a “safe­ty spe­cia­list” qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on. That sounds like more! But what is actual­ly included is usual­ly “only” the pre­pa­ra­ti­on for the qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on. At a pri­ce of many hundreds or even more than a thousand euros. The spe­cia­list for pro­tec­tion and secu­ri­ty, on the other hand, is a real 3‑year voca­tio­nal trai­ning — the­re is a risk of con­fu­si­on! My tip: So pay clo­se atten­ti­on to the terms used and, if in doubt, ask what is spe­ci­fi­cal­ly meant by them. Drü­cken Sie sich selbst am bes­ten klar aus und ver­wen­den Sie die rich­ti­gen Begriff­lich­kei­ten. Sie zei­gen damit, dass Sie sich auskennen 🙂


Recent­ly, Jörg Zitz­mann also dealt with the issue of “large/ small appearan­ces” in his pod­cast for pro­tec­tion and secu­ri­ty in epi­so­de 328. As mana­ging direc­tor of the Aca­de­my for Secu­ri­ty, he regu­lar­ly recei­ves such enqui­ries and cla­ri­fies:

Pas­sing the expert exami­na­ti­on accor­ding to § 34a Gewo despi­te the Coro­na crisis

Passing the expert examination according to § 34a Gewo despite the Corona crisis

In the past months, the exami­na­ti­ons accor­ding to § 34a GewO (guar­ding) were can­cel­led due to the Coro­na cri­sis (COVID-19). Now the exami­na­ti­ons will take place again at the Cham­ber of Indus­try and Com­mer­ce (IHK). For all tho­se who regis­tered in time or who­se date was post­po­ned, the writ­ten exami­na­ti­on will take place tomor­row, 18 June 2020. Spe­cial regu­la­ti­ons curr­ent­ly app­ly in many places for taking the exam, e.g.:

You can find out exact­ly which regu­la­ti­ons app­ly on the let­ter from the IHK for the exami­na­ti­on or also on the web­site of the respec­ti­ve IHK.
To all tho­se taking the exam tomor­row, I wish you every success! 

PS: If your exam, which should have taken place in April, for exam­p­le, has been can­cel­led wit­hout repla­ce­ment, you must regis­ter for a new date!
Due to the cur­rent high demand, you should regis­ter ear­ly for the exam. As mini­mum distances have to be obser­ved, the alre­a­dy scar­ce places are even more limi­t­ed. You can find all exam dates at

Exper­ti­se info page: Ever­y­thing new!

Expertise info page: Everything new!

Hel­lo to all tho­se inte­res­ted in expertise!

As of today, the infor­ma­ti­on page on the sub­ject has a new look. The site has been com­ple­te­ly rede­si­gned gra­phi­cal­ly and is now also easy to use on smart­phones! In addi­ti­on, the ran­ge of ser­vices has been expan­ded. Ask your ques­ti­on in the Forum or use the Page searchif you need infor­ma­ti­on on a spe­ci­fic subject.

News always in the blog

Also new is the web­log whe­re you are curr­ent­ly rea­ding this post. I will inform you here in short artic­les when­ever the­re is news about the 34a exami­na­ti­on or other secu­ri­ty topics!

About me

My name is Han­nes Fich­tel, I am an exami­ner in various exami­na­ti­on boards in the field of pro­tec­tion & secu­ri­ty at the IHK. I have been working in pri­va­te secu­ri­ty sin­ce 2006. Start­ing with the ins­truc­tion accor­ding to § 34a GewO and the trai­ning as a spe­cia­list for pro­tec­tion and secu­ri­ty, I have deve­lo­ped fur­ther via the advan­ced trai­ning as a mas­ter for pro­tec­tion and secu­ri­ty (IHK) up to the bache­lor and mas­ter stu­dies in the secu­ri­ty indus­try. I run the exper­ti­se info­por­tal and am hap­py to ans­wer any ques­ti­ons you may have!
