Distance Lear­ning & Online Courses

Distance lear­ning

Mobi­le and lear­ning from home

Modern means of com­mu­ni­ca­ti­on such as smart­phones, tablets and the like, as well as the com­pu­ter at home, make it pos­si­ble to prepa­re con­ve­ni­ent­ly and lar­ge­ly inde­pen­dent of loca­ti­on. Digi­tal cour­ses are an ide­al alter­na­ti­ve for peo­p­le who are bound by work or pri­va­te com­mit­ments, or who shy away from the high cos­ts of a face-to-face cour­se. Tra­di­tio­nal distance lear­ning cour­ses, whe­re you recei­ve the cour­se mate­ri­al by e‑mail or post, are only offe­red in a few cases. Online lear­ning plat­forms (or online cour­ses) are much more sui­ta­ble, as you can train inter­ac­tively (e.g. on the basis of exam ques­ti­ons) and recei­ve imme­dia­te feed­back on your level of know­ledge. The­se plat­forms can be used on a wide varie­ty of sys­tems and end devices. As a rule, all you need is an inter­net con­nec­tion and a com­mon brow­ser (e.g. Safa­ri, Chro­me, Fire­fox, Inter­net Explo­rer, Edge). Make sure to choo­se a com­pe­tent pro­vi­der if you want to use an appro­pria­te offer: Essen­ti­al cri­te­ria for the choice are the expe­ri­ence and pro­fes­sio­nal qua­li­fi­ca­ti­ons of the pro­vi­der and whe­ther indi­vi­du­al ques­ti­ons about the con­tents of the expert exami­na­ti­on are answered.


Hint:Pri­ces may have chan­ged sin­ce the time of rese­arch. Plea­se note the infor­ma­ti­on on the lin­ked shop page!


Exclu­si­ve tips on how to pass the exam easily

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Exclu­si­ve tips on how to pass the exam easily

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