Understand exam questions and answer them correctly: 10 simple tactics tips for passing the written IHK specialist knowledge exam (34a certificate)

Under­stan­ding exam ques­ti­ons and ans­we­ring them cor­rect­ly: 10 simp­le tac­ti­cal tips for pas­sing the writ­ten IHK exami­na­ti­on (34a certificate)

Free tests and exam ques­ti­ons to prepa­re for the expert know­ledge exami­na­ti­on (§ 34a GewO) are very useful for prac­ti­sing. Howe­ver, tac­ti­cal tips are almost as important. Becau­se even if you don’t imme­dia­te­ly know the ans­wer to an exam ques­ti­on in the 34a test, you can pass the 34a exam with the help of a few tips & tricks.

No idea, no ans­wer? Plea­se don’t!

You can’t know ever­y­thing. Even if you have pre­pared well for the 34a test with test ques­ti­ons, mock exams and other stu­dy mate­ri­al, you may sim­ply not know what to do with some ques­ti­ons. Yes, you do: Even if you don’t know the ans­wer to an exam ques­ti­on, you can still clear the hurd­le of the expert know­ledge exam!

10 simp­le tips on how to pass the exami­na­ti­on of pro­fes­sio­nal competence

If you take the fol­lo­wing tips for the writ­ten IHK exami­na­ti­on for exper­ti­se § 34a GewO into account, you can also score points for gaps in your knowledge:

  1. It can a solu­ti­on be cor­rect, or it can two solu­ti­ons be cor­rect. The­r­e­fo­re, never give three or more solu­ti­ons as correct!
  2. Sin­gu­lar or plu­ral? Pay atten­ti­on to whe­ther in the Ques­tio­ning after one or more cor­rect ans­wers is asked! Exam­p­le: In the case of a ques­ti­on that beg­ins with “What pre­re­qui­si­teen, a secu­ri­ty guard must ful­fil,…” beg­ins, the­re is more than one cor­rect solution.
  3. Note the Con­text of the ques­ti­on (sub­ject area)! If, for exam­p­le, a ques­ti­on is asked about a fact in cri­mi­nal law (StGB), an ans­wer refer­ring to civil law (BGB) can­not be correct. 
  4. Pay atten­ti­on to Nega­ti­ve for­mu­la­ti­onsIf the­re is a nega­ti­ve in the ques­ti­on, so may­be the ques­ti­on is asking you to tick what exact­ly you want to tick. not appli­es? Then you need to rethink and choo­se exact­ly the oppo­si­te ans­wer options!
  5. Key terms like “never” or “never or “always” or “always should be war­ning signs! It is rather rare that e.g. pro­hi­bi­ti­ons or per­mis­si­ons always or never app­ly, i.e. are abso­lu­te. For many things the­re are excep­ti­ons or cer­tain frame­work con­di­ti­ons and no strict black and white. Such key terms in an ans­wer indi­ca­te that it is rather wrong. 
  6. Other terms that should set alarm bells rin­ging are tho­se such as “exclu­si­ve­ly” or “wit­hout excep­ti­on”. The same appli­es here as in the pre­vious tip. It is not often that some­thing appli­es wit­hout any exception.
  7. In the writ­ten exami­na­ti­on you have enough time. Take your time and read the ques­ti­ons in detail and, if neces­sa­ry, seve­ral times. If you can­not think of the ans­wer, put the ques­ti­on back. Mark the ques­ti­on so that you do not for­get to look at it again later.
  8. You are unsu­re of the cor­rect ans­wer to a ques­ti­on. Work accor­ding to the Exclu­si­on prin­ci­ple and sort out the pos­si­bi­li­ties that defi­ni­te­ly can­not be true. This often helps.
  9. If you don’t have a clue about a ques­ti­on, don’t lea­ve it unans­we­red. Guess if you have to! Not ans­we­ring a ques­ti­on defi­ni­te­ly gets you 0 points. Even if your gut tells you one or two solu­ti­ons, luck may be on your side.
  10. Final­ly, the most important thing: Even if this artic­le is about “tac­tics tips” in the nar­rower sen­se — it’s not about tac­tics. prepa­re yours­elf! Time­ly and pur­po­seful lear­ning is the essen­ti­al fac­tor for pas­sing the examination.

Insi­der tips

You can get many more tips on how to suc­cessful­ly mas­ter the 34a pro­fes­sio­nal qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on exami­na­ti­on if you read our free news­let­ter sub­scri­be. Direct­ly after­wards we will send you our 34a PDF with a total of 25 tips for the expert exami­na­ti­on to.

Exper­ti­se tips and exam ques­ti­ons on YouTube

I would like to recom­mend two hel­pful vide­os for the pre­pa­ra­ti­on for the 34a licence, which you can find in the You­Tube chan­nel of the Aca­de­my for Secu­ri­ty find:

Exclu­si­ve tips on how to pass the exam easily

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Exclu­si­ve tips on how to pass the exam easily

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  1. Malgorzata Zofia Broichhagen
    9. February 2024 at 2:36 Reply

    Ich möch­te das sehr ger­ne lernen,sich mein Traum zu ver­wirk­li­chen. Bei mir Tag und Nacht gibt nur eins 34a gw0 sach­kun­de und nichts anders.

Lea­ve a rep­ly
