
Pas­sed, fai­led, half passed?

Quite simp­le in principle:
If you achie­ve at least 50% of the points in both the writ­ten and the oral exami­na­ti­on, you have pas­sed. The­re is no mark, for exam­p­le a “good pass” or “just about” pass. All that counts is that you have pas­sed. Then you will recei­ve the cove­ted cer­ti­fi­ca­te of suc­cessful com­ple­ti­on of the expert know­ledge exami­na­ti­on accor­ding to § 34a GewO as pro­of of expert know­ledge. You are now a com­pe­tent secu­ri­ty guard and are allo­wed to car­ry out spe­cial guar­ding activities.

If you do not pass the writ­ten exami­na­ti­onyou will have to take the enti­re exami­na­ti­on again and will not be admit­ted to the oral part of the exami­na­ti­on. In this case, you will also have to pay the full exami­na­ti­on fees again.
If you do not pass the oral exami­na­ti­onIf you have pre­vious­ly pas­sed the writ­ten exami­na­ti­on, you only have to repeat the oral part of the exami­na­ti­on. Accor­din­gly, the exami­na­ti­on fees are only due again on a pro rata basis.

What should you do if you have pas­sed the writ­ten part of the exam but not the oral part? Find out more here…


Exclu­si­ve tips on how to pass the exam easily

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Exclu­si­ve tips on how to pass the exam easily

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