Reasons for expertise

Why take the examination?

1. legal obligation

Accor­ding to § 34a of the Trade, Com­mer­ce and Indus­try Regu­la­ti­on Act (Gewer­be­ord­nung), the suc­cessful com­ple­ti­on of the expert know­ledge exami­na­ti­on is a legal pre­re­qui­si­te for cer­tain acti­vi­ties within the secu­ri­ty indus­try. Only with pro­of of appro­pria­te exper­ti­se may you be employ­ed in are­as of the pri­va­te secu­ri­ty sec­tor for which the sole ins­truc­tion accor­ding to § 34a (wit­hout IHK exami­na­ti­on) is not sufficient.

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2. pro­fes­sio­nal perspective

As a com­pe­tent, IHK-cer­ti­fied secu­ri­ty employee, you are allo­wed to car­ry out fur­ther acti­vi­ties as an employee in the secu­ri­ty ser­vice. This gives you new care­er pro­s­pects and more job offers that could be sui­ta­ble for you. In addi­ti­on, once you have pas­sed the expert exami­na­ti­on, you will ful­fil one of the neces­sa­ry requi­re­ments to be allo­wed to set up your own secu­ri­ty com­pa­ny in the secu­ri­ty industry.

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3. pri­va­te fur­ther development

In addi­ti­on to all the legal requi­re­ments, you will of cour­se also acqui­re a gre­at deal of new know­ledge in the cour­ses or during the self-stu­dy in pre­pa­ra­ti­on for the Cham­ber of Indus­try and Com­mer­ce exami­na­ti­on. This know­ledge forms the basis for a con­fi­dent appearance at work with the cor­re­spon­ding com­pe­tence to act, but will most likely also be of use to you in your pri­va­te life. In addi­ti­on, after a suc­cessful fur­ther qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on, you will gene­ral­ly also bene­fit from finan­ci­al­ly more lucra­ti­ve as well as more varied jobs.

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Exclu­si­ve tips on how to pass the exam easily

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Exclu­si­ve tips on how to pass the exam easily

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