Information portal for the expert knowledge examination in the guarding trade according to § 34a Gewerbeordnung!
On this website you will find information on the so-called 34a certificate. We have for you Tips on how to successfully prepare for the examination with books, flashcards and online offers. You will also find Basic information on the 34a examination at the IHK, such as participation requirements, registration options and examination dates. If then still Questions on the 34a professional qualification examination or you are looking for answers to 34a exam questions, please feel free to use the help forum at any time. There you can completely free of charge Your question about the expert knowledge examination in the guarding trade pose.

Do you have any questions about the security industry qualification examination?
Learn how to master your qualified entry into the security industry and successfully pass your exam. We will explain everything you need to know about the § 34a qualification and show you what you need to watch out for.
What are the benefits of the expert examination?
Only with a successfully passed examination are you allowed to carry out special guarding activities. Furthermore, the further training represents a recognised qualification level in the private security industry. You will personally benefit from more knowledge and better job prospects. In addition, the successful completion of the expert examination according to § 34a GewO is an important prerequisite if you want to become self-employed in the security industry.
How do I get the “expertise”?
You can only take the expert knowledge examination at a state-recognised body. This is usually your local Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK). The examination cannot be taken online and can only be taken in German. To receive the certificate, you must pass both a written and an oral examination with at least 50% of the points. The written part consists of questions with pre-set answers to tick off (multiple choice), the oral part is taken before an examination board.
Who needs the expertise according to § 34a?
Successful completion of the expert examination at a chamber of industry and commerce is required by law for:
- Guards in the entrance area of discotheques (bouncers)
- patrols in public traffic areas (e.g. city patrols)
- Control patrols in areas under house jurisdiction with actual public traffic
- Activities to protect against shoplifters (shop detectives)
- Guarding of asylum and refugee accommodation (only in a managerial capacity)
- Guarding of access-protected major events (only in a managerial capacity)
- Tradesmen (managing director/owner of a security company)
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