A qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on test and a job in the secu­ri­ty indus­try despi­te a cri­mi­nal record?

ForumCate­go­ry: Exami­na­ti­on of exper­ti­se accor­ding to § 34a GewO (gene­ral)A qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on test and a job in the secu­ri­ty indus­try despi­te a cri­mi­nal record?
anony­mous asked 2 years ago


I was impri­so­ned for a vio­la­ti­on of the Nar­co­tics Act and the­r­e­fo­re have an ent­ry in my cri­mi­nal record. Is it still pos­si­ble to take the qua­li­fi­ca­ti­on exami­na­ti­on accor­ding to § 34a GewO and then work as a secu­ri­ty guard?

1 Ans­wers
Exper­ti­se 34a Employees ans­we­red 2 years ago


The Cham­ber of Indus­try and Com­mer­ce does not check for cri­mi­nal records or other facts that might cast doubt on the requi­red reliability.
This means that you can take the exam in any case. Of cour­se, this only makes sen­se if you are con­side­red relia­ble (in the sen­se of para­graph 1 sen­tence 4 § 34a GewO) and are allo­wed to work after­wards. Other­wi­se you will have pas­sed the IHK exami­na­ti­on, but the employ­er in the secu­ri­ty sec­tor will not be allo­wed to employ you.

With regard to pre­vious con­vic­tions, it says that relia­bi­li­ty is gene­ral­ly not given if one has
in the last five years pri­or to fil­ing the appli­ca­ti­on, has been final­ly sen­ten­ced to a cus­to­di­al sen­tence, a juve­ni­le sen­tence, a mone­ta­ry penal­ty of at least 90 dai­ly rates or at least twice to a les­ser mone­ta­ry penal­ty for attemp­ting or com­mit­ting one of the offen­ces lis­ted below, or for whom the impo­si­ti­on of a juve­ni­le sen­tence has been sus­pen­ded, if five years have not yet elap­sed sin­ce the last sen­tence beca­me final:
(a) cri­mes within the mea­ning of sec­tion 12(1) of the Cri­mi­nal Code,
b) offen­ces against sexu­al self-deter­mi­na­ti­on, traf­fi­cking in human beings or pro­mo­ting traf­fi­cking in human beings, inten­tio­nal bodi­ly harm, depri­va­ti­on of liber­ty, theft, embezz­le­ment, extor­ti­on, fraud, embezz­le­ment, recei­ving sto­len goods, for­gery, breach of the peace or tre­s­pass, or resis­ting or assaul­ting law enforce­ment offi­cers or per­sons who are equi­va­lent to law enforce­ment officers,
c) offen­ces against the Nar­co­tics Act, the Medi­ci­nes Act, the Wea­pons Act, the Explo­si­ves Act, the Resi­dence Act, the Employee Trans­fer Act or the Act to Com­bat Clan­des­ti­ne Employ­ment; or
(d) an offence end­an­ge­ring the pro­tec­tion of the sta­te or dan­ge­rous to the public.

As you can see, the offence com­mit­ted, the amount of the sen­tence and the time are signi­fi­cant influen­cing fac­tors here.
Ulti­m­ate­ly, it is the local com­pe­tent aut­ho­ri­ty that deci­des whe­ther you are allo­wed to work in the trade or not. I would the­r­e­fo­re recom­mend that you proac­tively cont­act your com­pe­tent muni­ci­pa­li­ty or city admi­nis­tra­ti­on. The enquiry could also be made through your (future) employ­er via the com­pe­tent aut­ho­ri­ty or the guard regis­ter. Howe­ver, this is asso­cia­ted with costs.
