Aufgaben von Sicherheitsmitarbeitern in der Bahnsicherheit
Die Sicherheit im öffentlichen Verkehr, insbesondere im Bereich der Bahnen und Bahnhöfe, ist von entscheidender Bedeutung für die Gewährleistung eines reibungslosen und sicheren Personen- und Gütertransports (Schienenverkehr). In diesem Artikel werden die vielfältigen Aufgaben von Sicherheitsmitarbeitern in der Bahnsicherheit beleuchtet, wobei auch die damit verbundenen Gefahren, Bedrohungen und Risiken sowie die erforderlichen Fähigkeiten und persönlichen Eigenschaften für eine erfolgreiche Tätigkeit in diesem Bereich diskutiert werden.
Aufgaben der Sicherheitsmitarbeiter in der Bahnsicherheit
Sicherheitsmitarbeiter in der Bahnsicherheit übernehmen eine breite Palette von Aufgaben, die dazu dienen, die Sicherheit von Passagieren, Personal und Eigentum zu gewährleisten. Dabei sind städtische Bahnhöfe teilweise Kriminalitätsschwerpunkte. Zu den Hauptaufgaben gehören:
1. Überwachung und Prävention
Sicherheitsmitarbeiter sind dafür verantwortlich, verdächtige Aktivitäten zu erkennen und zu überwachen, um das Hausrecht durchzusetzen, die Einhaltung der Beförderungsbedingungen in den Reisezügen zu gewährleisten und auch Straftaten wie Diebstahl, Vandalismus, Belästigung und Gewalttaten zu verhindern. Dies umfasst die regelmäßige Patrouille durch Bahnhöfe und Züge sowie die Beobachtung durch Überwachungskameras und die Bedienung weiterer Sicherheitssysteme. Die Präsenz von Sicherheitsmitarbeitern, auch als Ansprechpartner und Auskunftspersonen von Zuggästen, trägt wesentlich zu einem positiven Sicherheitsgefühl und auch zur Serviceorientierung des Auftraggebers/Bahnunternehmens bei.
2. Durchführung von Sicherheitskontrollen
Sicherheitsmitarbeiter führen Sicherheitskontrollen an Bahnhöfen und in Zügen durch, um verbotene Gegenstände wie Waffen, Drogen und verbotene oder verdächtige Gegenstände zu entdecken und dadurch Schäden abzuwenden. Einhergehend mit den rechtlichen Bestimmungen und Dienstanweisungen erfolgt dies in enger Abstimmung mit den Behörden wie der Bundespolizei. Nicht selten müssen Personen, die am Bahnhof unerwünscht sind oder die Betriebsabläufe stören, der Örtlichkeit verwiesen oder der Polizei übergeben werden. Im Rahmen der Rundgänge werden auch andere relevante Sachverhalte wie z.B. Störungen/Defekte, Verunreinigungen oder Gefahrenstellen gemeldet und Sofortmaßnahmen ergriffen.
3. Hilfeleistung und Konfliktmanagement
Im Falle von Notfällen, medizinischen Zwischenfällen oder Konfliktsituationen sind Sicherheitsmitarbeiter geschult, schnell zu reagieren und angemessene Unterstützung zu leisten. Dies kann die Bereitstellung von Erster Hilfe, die Evakuierung von Passagieren oder die Deeskalation von Konflikten zwischen Fahrgästen umfassen. Gerade im Bahnverkehr, wo viele Personen aufeinandertreffen und auch besondere Unfallrisiken (z.B. beim Ein- und Ausstieg) bestehen, sind Unfälle keine Seltenheit. Hinzu kommen Personen, die die Betriebsabläufe stören, sich selbst gefährden (Suizidabsicht, Drogenkonsum, etc.) oder andere durch kriminelle oder in seltenen Fällen gar terroristisch motivierte Taten bedrohen.
4. Kundenbetreuung und Information
Sicherheitsmitarbeiter stehen den Fahrgästen als Ansprechpartner zur Verfügung, um Fragen zu beantworten, Hilfe anzubieten und Informationen über Fahrpläne, Routen und Sicherheitsvorkehrungen bereitzustellen. Sie fungieren als wichtige Schnittstelle zwischen dem Bahnunternehmen und den Passagieren. Das Sicherheitspersonal ist damit auch ein Aushängeschild für die Bahngesellschaft. Entsprechend wichtig ist hier professionelles Handeln. Etwaige Fehltritte können dank Smartphone und Social Media schnell überregional große Aufmerksamkeit erregen und damit das Unternehmen in ein schlechtes Licht rücken. „Schwarze Sheriffs“ sind daher fehl am Platze.
5. Schutz Kritischer Infrastruktur und spezielle Aufgaben
Das Bahnnetz und die damit verbundenen Einrichtungen (z.B. Datenkommunikation, Zugbeeinflussungssysteme, Energieversorgung) sind Teil der Kritischen Infrastruktur der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Tagtäglich verlassen sich Millionen Menschen auf den sicheren Transport und sind von diesem abhängig. Sicherheitsmitarbeiter übernehmen daher auch in der Konzernsicherheit wesentliche Aufgaben wie z.B. im Bedrohungsmanagement, in der Sicherheitstechnik, in Sicherheitszentralen und in leitenden Funktionen. Spezielle Aufgabengebiete im Bereich der Bahnsicherheit können auch die Tätigkeit in mobilen Unterstützungsgruppen sein, z.B. wenn Veranstaltungen wie Fußballspiele stattfinden, die Überwachung von Streckenabschnitten mittels Drohnen oder der Dienst als Hundeführer. Die Bahnsicherheit ist also sehr vielfältig und kann wesentlich mehr umfassen als nur den klassischen Sicherheits- und Ordnungsdienst (SOD) mit der Bestreifung von Bahnhöfen.
6. Berichterstattung und Zusammenarbeit mit Behörden
Sicherheitsmitarbeiter sind verpflichtet, Vorfälle und verdächtige Aktivitäten zu dokumentieren und Berichte zu erstatten. Teilweise sind Bodycams im Einsatz, die die Situation auf Video aufzeichnen. Als Sicherheitsmitarbeiter in der Bahnsicherheit arbeiten Sie auch eng mit der Bundespolizei und anderen Sicherheitsbehörden zusammen, um zur Aufrechterhaltung der öffentlichen Sicherheit mit beizutragen. Gerade dieses Spannungsfeld aus Tätigkeit im Hausrechtsbereich und die Zusammenarbeit im Bereich der öffentlichen Sicherheit hat seinen Reiz, erfordert aber ein hohes Maß an Handlungssicherheit – auch in Bezug auf rechtliche Aspekte.
Gefahren und Risiken in der Bahnsicherheit
Die Arbeit in der Bahnsicherheit birgt – je nach Aufgabenbereich und Einsatzort – eine Reihe von Gefahren und Risiken, denen Sicherheitsmitarbeiter regelmäßig ausgesetzt sind:
1. Körperliche Gewalt und Aggression
Sicherheitsmitarbeiter können aggressiven oder gewalttätigen Passagieren gegenüberstehen, insbesondere in Konfliktsituationen oder bei der Durchsetzung von Sicherheitsmaßnahmen. Sie müssen in der Lage sein, mit solchen Situationen umzugehen und angemessen zu reagieren, ohne die Sicherheit anderer zu gefährden.
2. Risiko von Angriffen und Überfällen
Bahnhöfe und Züge sind oft belebte und öffentlich zugängliche Orte, an denen das Risiko von Überfällen, Diebstählen und anderen kriminellen Aktivitäten erhöht ist. Sicherheitsmitarbeiter müssen wachsam sein und proaktiv handeln, um solche Vorfälle zu verhindern oder zu unterbinden.
3. Gefahr von Terroranschlägen
Angesichts der aktuellen Sicherheitslage besteht auch die Gefahr terroristischer Anschläge auf Bahnhöfe oder Züge. Sicherheitsmitarbeiter müssen über entsprechende Schulungen und Protokolle verfügen, um auf verdächtige Aktivitäten hinzuweisen und im Ernstfall angemessen zu reagieren.
4. Arbeitsumgebung und Witterungsbedingungen
Die Arbeit in der Bahnsicherheit kann auch physische Herausforderungen mit sich bringen, wie z. B. das Arbeiten bei extremen Temperaturen, in engen oder überfüllten Räumen oder in abgelegenen Bereichen wie Bahnsteigen oder Tunneln.
Sturz- und Stolpergefahren sind alltäglich, im Bereich des Bahnverkehrs aber durchaus mit einem größeren Risiko verbunden als andernorts. Hinzu kommt neben der physischen Belastung (lange Laufwege, Schichtarbeit, etc.) auch durchaus eine psychische (Angst vor Übergriffen, Suizide, usw.). Last but not Least hat auch die Covid-19 Pandemie vor Augen geführt, wie schnell sich Viren und ansteckende Erreger ausbreiten können, wenn viele Menschen zusammen kommen.
Empfehlungen für Fähigkeiten und persönliche Eigenschaften
Um erfolgreich in der Bahnsicherheit zu arbeiten, sollten Sicherheitsmitarbeiter über folgende Fähigkeiten und persönliche Eigenschaften verfügen:
1. Kommunikationsfähigkeit
Gute und situationsgerechte Kommunikationsfähigkeiten sind entscheidend, um effektiv mit Passagieren, Kollegen und anderen Einsatzkräften zu interagieren. Sicherheitsmitarbeiter sollten in der Lage sein, klar und präzise zu kommunizieren und in Konfliktsituationen deeskalierend zu wirken.
2. Selbstbeherrschung und Stressresistenz
Da Sicherheitsmitarbeiter oft mit herausfordernden und potenziell gefährlichen Situationen konfrontiert sind, ist es wichtig, über ein hohes Maß an Selbstbeherrschung und Stressresistenz zu verfügen. Sie sollten in der Lage sein, ruhig zu bleiben und rational zu handeln, auch unter Druck und bei Provokationen.
3. Teamfähigkeit
Die Zusammenarbeit mit anderen Sicherheitsmitarbeitern, dem Bahnpersonal und der Bundespolizei ist unerlässlich für eine effektive Bahnsicherheit. Sicherheitsmitarbeiter sollten teamorientiert sein und gut in multidisziplinären Teams arbeiten können.
4. Verantwortungsbewusstsein und Integrität
Sicherheitsmitarbeiter tragen eine große Verantwortung für die Sicherheit von Passagieren und Eigentum. Sie sollten integer und verantwortungsbewusst handeln und sich an ethische Standards halten.
5. Körperliche Fitness und Ausdauer
Die Arbeit in der Bahnsicherheit erfordert oft körperliche Anstrengung und Ausdauer, insbesondere bei ausgedehnten Kontrollgängen und häufigen Schichtdiensten. Sicherheitsmitarbeiter sollten daher über eine angemessene körperliche Fitness und Belastbarkeit verfügen.
6. Fachkenntnisse, Schulungen und Erfahrung
Um die vielfältigen Aufgaben in der Bahnsicherheit effektiv ausführen zu können, ist es wichtig, über entsprechende Fachkenntnisse und Schulungen zu verfügen. In den meisten Positionen ist mindestens die Sachkundeprüfung nach § 34a GewO erforderlich. Auch eine Ausbildungen wie die zur Fachkraft für Schutz und Sicherheit ist gern gesehen und kann die Karriere voran bringen. Sicherheitsmitarbeiter sollten regelmäßig an Schulungen teilnehmen und sich über aktuelle Sicherheitsrisiken und ‑verfahren informieren. Zudem sollten wesentliche Fremdsprachenkenntnisse – zumindest in der englischen Sprache – vorhanden sein.
Wie komme ich konkret zu einem Job in der Bahnsicherheit?
Der größte Arbeitgeber in diesem Bereich ist die DB Sicherheit der Deutschen Bahn.
Wichtig ist die Sachkundeprüfung nach § 34a GewO, die man idealerweise bereits erfolgreich absolviert haben sollte. Außerdem kann die Bewerbung schneller zum Erfolg führen, wenn man neben den üblichen Bewerbungsunterlagen ein gültiges Ausweisdokument, eine Auflistung der Wohnadressen der letzten 5 Jahre sowie – wenn bereits vorhanden – seine Bewacher-ID aus dem Bewacherregister vorlegt. Im Regelfall sollte man über einen PKW-Führerschein (Klasse B) verfügen, im Schichtdienst arbeiten können, den Kontakt zu Menschen mögen, team- und kommunikationsfähig sein, die deutsche Sprache ausreichend beherrschen und idealerweise bereits erste Erfahrungen gesammelt habe. Die genauen Anforderungen findet man in der jeweiligen Job advertisement!
Bahnsicherheit 2030: Auch in Thema auf der Nürnberger Sicherheitskonferenz
Die Nürnberger Sicherheitskonferenz ist inzwischen eine feste Größe der Security-Fachmessen. Im Rahmen der 5. Nürnberger Sicherheitskonferenz mit dem Titel „SICHERHEIT 2030“, die am 10.04.2024 in der Nürnberger Meistersingerhalle stattfindet, wird Torsten Malt von der DB Sicherheit als Speaker auftreten. Sein Vortrag beschäftigt sich mit dem Schutz der Kritischen Infrastruktur am Beispiel der S‑Bahn München. Er will aufzeigen wie Sicherheit im Konzernverbund sowie im Verbund mit den Sicherheitsbehörden funktionieren kann und welche Herausforderungen sich dabei ergeben.
Mehr dazu unter und im Podcast für Schutz und Sicherheit:
Learning with exam questions is a proven method used by many students to improve their understanding and knowledge of certain topics.
Why 34a preparation with exam questions makes sense
When answering exam questions, you get feedback on how well you have understood the material and can work specifically on the difficult parts to improve your knowledge. You can identify gaps in your understanding and target them. Through regular feedback, you can ensure that you are continuously improving and track your progress. Another advantage of learning with exam questions is the deeper engagement with the learning content. When answering exam questions, one has to deal with the content more intensively and make connections between different topics. By delving deeper into the information, one can gain a deeper understanding of the topic. By repeating and applying the information, memory is improved. When you study a topic intensively and actively apply what you have learned, it sticks better in your memory. Exam questions also focus attention on the most important aspects of the learning material and help to eliminate irrelevant information. By focusing on relevant information, the brain is better able to absorb and process it. This leads to a better understanding of the learning material. One of the most important benefits of learning with exam questions is the simulation of an exam situation. This can also help to reduce exam anxiety. Exam anxiety can be a significant barrier to learning, as it can cause you to perform worse than you actually could. By practising exam questions, you can become more attuned to the type of questions and the exam process. This can help reduce exam anxiety and boost confidence.
Other advantages of learning with exam questions
More effective time management: By practising exam questions, you can better estimate how much time you need for certain questions. This helps you to manage your time more effectively during an exam.
Increased motivation: Practising exam questions regularly and noticing that you are making progress can increase your motivation. You feel better prepared and motivated to apply what you have learned.
Improved error analysis: When you answer exam questions, you learn to analyse your mistakes more closely, to understand what concepts or subject areas you did not fully understand. This can help you to work on these areas more specifically.
Improved exam results: By studying with exam questions, you can go into an exam better prepared. You already know the type of questions and the exam process, so you are less stressed. This can help you achieve better exam results.
Overall, learning with exam questions offers many advantages. It helps to improve the understanding of learning content, strengthen memory and reduce the fear of exams. Through regular feedback and targeted practice, you can work specifically on the difficult parts and track your progress. Learning with exam questions is an effective way to prepare for exams and succeed. Preparing for the exam with exam questions is therefore an important factor in successfully passing the IHK exam. Why memorising alone is not necessarily enough to pass the 34a exam, learn more in this blog post.
In the following article, I would like to suggest the various learning options, with their advantages and disadvantages, for preparing for the Sachkundeprüfung § 34a GewO — a guest article by The Safety Guru.
Frontal teaching
Classes are held in an academy, usually on a full-day basis. In a structured classroom environment, a learning situation is created for the students in which a lecturer takes on the role of a knowledge broker. The teacher can use different learning methods to facilitate the students’ learning. These may include lectures, discussions, group work, demonstrations or experiments. In class, students can also ask questions directly and receive feedback from the lecturer or classmates, which improves understanding of the learning material. Classes can also provide opportunities to foster social skills and collaboration as students work and learn together.
Online lessons
Online teaching is similar to traditional teaching, but it takes place over the internet. The lecturer uses various digital tools to facilitate the students’ learning. Examples of digital tools can be: video and audio chat, online courses, learning platforms, virtual classrooms or e‑learning modules. Online teaching can be particularly advantageous in today’s world, as it offers the possibility to continue teaching even in times of pandemics or other circumstances that affect normal teaching. Another advantage of online teaching is that students can learn from anywhere as long as they have an internet connection. And also like face-to-face classes, students can ask questions and get feedback from the instructor or classmates, which can improve their understanding of the learning material.
Self-learning with book and YouTube videos
Self-learner with book and YouTube videos are people who learn independently by obtaining information from books or videos on the internet. This form of learning is less structured and requires more discipline and initiative from the learners. Unlike classroom or online learning, self-learners have the freedom to set their own pace and choose the content of the learning material. However, there is also a risk that self-learners may have difficulty achieving their learning goals due to a lack of structure and guidance. Learners need to motivate and discipline themselves to learn continuously. It is also more difficult to ask questions and receive feedback because there is no direct contact with a teacher or other learners.
Advantages and disadvantages
Overall, all three forms of learning — face-to-face teaching, online teaching and self-learning with books and YouTube videos — have advantages and disadvantages:
Frontal teaching
Structured learning environment
Interaction with the lecturer and classmates
Opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback
Promoting social skills and cooperation
Possible dependence on the lecturer
Restrictions on flexibility, as lessons take place at fixed times
Not all students may be able to follow the teaching method
Online lessons
Flexibility, as teaching can take place from anywhere as long as an internet connection is available
Possibility to continue teaching even if there are restrictions that affect traditional teaching
Access to a variety of digital tools to enhance the learning process
Possibility to record lessons and watch them again later on
Possible limitations in interaction with the lecturer and classmates
Technical problems can affect the learning process
Possibly the learning environment is less structured than in traditional teaching
Not all students may be technically equipped or have a sufficient internet connection to participate in online classes.
Self-learning with books and YouTube videos
Freedom to set your own learning goal and pace
Access to a wide range of learning materials
Flexibility to shape learning according to one’s own needs and preferences
No dependence on a teacher or other learners
Possible restrictions on motivation and discipline
Possible lack of structure and guidance
Possible difficulties in clarifying questions and feedback
Possibly more difficult to promote social skills and cooperation
Overall, it is important to note that none of the learning styles are perfect and it depends on which learning style best suits the learner’s individual needs and preferences. Furthermore, the different learning styles can of course be combined with each other. Especially the possibility to use YouTube videos as a supplement for any kind of learning is very good. And here my recommendation lies on the YouTube videos of the SecurityGuru34a. These videos are clearly structured, informative, easy to understand and therefore very helpful. With the help of these videos, one can learn at one’s own pace and deepen content that was not so well conveyed in class. There is complete lessons and Sample exams with explanations of the questions and answers.
I hope that with this article I have been able to give you an understanding of the different learning methods and that you will find the right method for you.
Free tests and exam questions to prepare for the expert knowledge examination (§ 34a GewO) are very useful for practising. However, tactical tips are almost as important. Because even if you don’t immediately know the answer to an exam question in the 34a test, you can pass the 34a exam with the help of a few tips & tricks.
No idea, no answer? Please don’t!
You can’t know everything. Even if you have prepared well for the 34a test with test questions, mock exams and other study material, you may simply not know what to do with some questions. Yes, you do: Even if you don’t know the answer to an exam question, you can still clear the hurdle of the expert knowledge exam!
10 simple tips on how to pass the examination of professional competence
If you take the following tips for the written IHK examination for expertise § 34a GewO into account, you can also score points for gaps in your knowledge:
It can a solution be correct, or it can two solutions be correct. Therefore, never give three or more solutions as correct!
Singular or plural? Pay attention to whether in the Questioning after one or more correct answers is asked! Example: In the case of a question that begins with “What prerequisiteen, a security guard must fulfil,…” begins, there is more than one correct solution.
Note the Context of the question (subject area)! If, for example, a question is asked about a fact in criminal law (StGB), an answer referring to civil law (BGB) cannot be correct.
Pay attention to Negative formulationsIf there is a negative in the question, so maybe the question is asking you to tick what exactly you want to tick. not applies? Then you need to rethink and choose exactly the opposite answer options!
Key terms like “never” or “never or “always” or “always should be warning signs! It is rather rare that e.g. prohibitions or permissions always or never apply, i.e. are absolute. For many things there are exceptions or certain framework conditions and no strict black and white. Such key terms in an answer indicate that it is rather wrong.
Other terms that should set alarm bells ringing are those such as “exclusively” or “without exception”. The same applies here as in the previous tip. It is not often that something applies without any exception.
In the written examination you have enough time. Take your time and read the questions in detail and, if necessary, several times. If you cannot think of the answer, put the question back. Mark the question so that you do not forget to look at it again later.
You are unsure of the correct answer to a question. Work according to the Exclusion principle and sort out the possibilities that definitely cannot be true. This often helps.
If you don’t have a clue about a question, don’t leave it unanswered. Guess if you have to! Not answering a question definitely gets you 0 points. Even if your gut tells you one or two solutions, luck may be on your side.
Finally, the most important thing: Even if this article is about “tactics tips” in the narrower sense — it’s not about tactics. prepare yourself! Timely and purposeful learning is the essential factor for passing the examination.
Insider tips
You can get many more tips on how to successfully master the 34a professional qualification examination if you read our free newsletter subscribe. Directly afterwards we will send you our 34a PDF with a total of 25 tips for the expert examination to.
The expert knowledge examination according to § 34a of the Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act is an entry-level qualification for employees in the private security industry. It serves as proof of basic knowledge, especially with regard to fundamental legal aspects relevant to working in the guard and security service. In addition, the successfully passed expert knowledge examination with proof from the Chamber of Industry and Commerce is a prerequisite for carrying out special guarding tasks and being allowed to become self-employed as a security contractor.
A certificate of competence is required for the following activities
As a security guard (employee), you need proof that you have successfully passed an examination of competence at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) (according to § 34a GewO) if you provide security in the entrance area of discotheques in the hospitality industry (bouncers), patrols in public traffic areas (e.g. city patrols), patrols in areas with actual public traffic, activities to protect against shoplifters (department store or store detectives). (e.g. city patrols), patrols in areas of the premises with actual public traffic, activities to protect against shoplifters (shop detectives), guarding of asylum and refugee accommodation (only in a managerial capacity) as well as guarding of large events with protected access (only in a managerial capacity).
The purpose of the expert knowledge examination
Why there is the expert knowledge examination has several reasons. When private individuals — including employees of security companies — guard other people’s lives or property, this entails special duties and a great responsibility. As a security guard, you have to know your rights and the legal limits, i.e. what is allowed and what is forbidden. On the other hand, due to their position as guarantor, they are obliged to prevent damage to the client. In contrast to the police, you do not have any special powers and must therefore be able to weigh up exactly to what extent you are allowed to interfere with the rights of third parties in a particular situation. If you go too far, you run the risk of being charged with offences such as deprivation of liberty or bodily harm. If you sleep on duty and do not comply with your duty to protect, you can also end up in court for committing an offence by omission if you cause harm. For these reasons, among others — listed here as examples — it is important to acquire the specialised knowledge in order to later have the necessary confidence to act in the guarding business.
In April 2021, in the blog post “Are there currently any examinations at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce because of Corona?” about the current state of affairs at that time regarding the implementation of IHK professional examinations. For a while, exams were cancelled or postponed. A strict hygiene regime applied.
After the back and forth of politics regarding covid protection measures and different rules, some of which were difficult to comprehend factually, a large part of the previous requirements have now been repealed in most federal states.
In principle, masks are no longer compulsory. However, it is recommended to carry an FFP‑2 mask.
Wearing at least a medical face mask during the examination is recommended, but is usually no longer compulsory.
Proof of testing, vaccination or convalescence is generally no longer required. (= no 3G requirement)
If you have tested positive for SARS-CoV‑2 and your examination date is coming up, it is best to enquire at the responsible IHK about the currently possible course of action. It is conceivable to withdraw from the exam and take it again at a later date or — depending on the federal state — to take it under certain protective measures.
Note: All information is without guarantee (as of 20.11.2022). Please note the current requirements of the examining IHK or the federal state!
Both Jörg Zitzmann as well as Kai Deliomini are very well known in the private security industry.
Among other things, both are represented in IHK examination committees in the field of protection and security, are active as authors of books for the preparation of the expert knowledge examination and are represented with many helpful videos on YouTube and in podcasts.
With not infrequent failure rates between 30 and 50%, the question naturally arises: What’s the reason?
Some factors for success or failure are obvious. Some problems can be solved quickly and easily, some simply require intensive learning, practice and perseverance. Before I go on to point out what I consider to be the main (mis)success factors, here is the very interesting conversation between Jörg Zitzmann and Kai Deliomini on YouTube:
My top 5 reasons why so many people fail the written and oral IHK specialist knowledge examination
From my experience, the following factors are the main reasons for failure with the “34a-licence”:
Lack of motivation / lack of interest
Many participants do not see any added value in the exam. They have no real interest in the content, so they don’t want to learn at all. This is particularly pronounced among people who are “sent” by their employer or the employment agency and are not actually interested in the private security sector at all. But even if the participation itself is of their own accord: The examination is often not seen as an opportunity but as a necessary evil. Lack of motivation and interest, however, are diametrically opposed to exam success.
No sufficient preparation of the content
Some people take the exam lightly. Multiple-choice questions with pre-set answers to tick off and only 50% necessary correct answers to pass — what could go wrong, you ask yourself. But far from it. The legal topics in particular are tough. In addition, there is excitement, especially in the oral exam, and questions where you may have to think a little outside the box. If you don’t have the necessary knowledge and thus the confidence to act, you will quickly be eliminated. Comprehensive preparation is the be-all and end-all for exam success!
Insufficient knowledge of German
A lot has already been asked and said about German language skills. One thing is certain: many people who work in the security sector are not native speakers of German. Multilingualism is often important for the job, but so is sufficient knowledge of German. This is because the examination is offered exclusively in German and you must also be able to communicate confidently in German in your everyday work as a security guard. Legal texts are written in difficult language, “officialese” is usually just as difficult to understand, and the exam questions sometimes depend on individual words that can change the meaning in one direction or another or provide hints for solutions.
Structure and manner of the examination are unclear
Many people are not completely clear about the framework conditions of the exam. But only if you know which topics are important and how, and how the exam is structured, can you prepare for it specifically and efficiently. For example, there are topics that you can quickly get over, which can usually be answered with common sense. Some topics, on the other hand, count twice and some require more intensive study. In addition, there are empirical values for the oral examination and tactical tips for working through test questions, which should be conveyed by a competent lecturer or author, for example.
Difficult individual conditions
Of course, people are different. Everyone has different personal prerequisites and the general conditions (e.g. family obligations, free time for learning, learning environment, etc.) also play a significant role in success and failure. You may also know people who can memorise things with a “quick glance” and recall this knowledge at the snap of a finger. Others, on the other hand, find this significantly more difficult. Some people also have no problem at all speaking in front of others in an exam situation, most are naturally tense, some participants suffer downright from exam anxiety.
Ask yourself to what extent the points above apply to you, how you can avoid mistakes in your preparation and compensate for any deficits. You can find more information on this right here in the subject knowledge information portal numerous tips and Links to other sites or media such as YouTube.
Whether pandemic-related 34a exams are currently being conducted is a hot question
As things stand, the Chambers of Industry and Commerce (IHK’s) are trying to stick to the existing dates for examinations. Yes! The exams usually take place. However, there can be deviations, because in principle each chamber can decide for itself whether an examination is carried out, cancelled without replacement or postponed. In the case of the current corona crisis, this also depends on the regional incidence value, the current legal requirements and political decisions.
Pandemic plans/hygiene concepts and specifications of the IHK
Most chambers have hygiene concepts that specify the conditions under which examinations can be carried out.
For many chambers, the following rules apply (without guarantee):
A self-disclosure form must be filled out (no signs of illness, no previous stay in risk areas, no contact with infected persons, etc.).
Access and stay is only permitted with a mask (FFP 2 or comparable), so-called community masks (fabric masks) are usually not sufficient.
There are disinfectant dispensers at the entrances that are to be used for hand disinfection upon access
A minimum distance of 1.5 — 2 metres must still be maintained
Handshakes and other physical contact are not permitted.
Lifts are not to be used or are not to be shared
The examination rooms are ventilated continuously or at intervals (therefore remember to bring warm clothing if necessary!).
Only the participants’ own writing material may be used, working utensils may not be exchanged among the participants.
The gathering of people in the premises (corridors, etc.), e.g. during breaks or before and after the examination, will not be tolerated.
Up-to-date information!
Further applies: It is best to find out directly from the examining IHK what you have to observe — whether, for example, a medical certificate must be submitted or whether changes have occurred at short notice. The website of the respective IHK (keyword News / Corona) quickly provides substantial information here.
Again and again one reads in job offers, job applications or course offers about the big or small “Security certificate” — sometimes just called a large or small note.
Such terms are also frequently used in forums, on social networks or even on the pages of course providers. But beware: There is no such thing as a large or small security pass!
What is meant by “security certificate”?
Section 34a of the Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act (Gewerbeordnung) contains important provisions on what a person must fulfil if he or she wants to “professionally guard the lives or property of other people”. The § 34a GewO is primarily aimed at Security contractor and regulates what they must fulfil in order to register a guarding trade. However, it also regulates that the tradesman may only entrust the performance of guarding tasks to persons as Workers who, as guards, on the one hand, are permitted to requiredReliability on the other hand, have certain Minimum qualifications have to show. With regard to qualification, this ominous “certificate” often comes into play: by “large certificate” some mean the successful passed examination, i.e. proof of the passed test performance at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce. The “small certificate” is sometimes called the Participation in the briefing This is a course in which you only have to complete 40 teaching units and receive a certificate of attendance, the “certificate of attendance”. Proof of instruction, is given. During the instruction, no knowledge is systematically tested, only a kind of short comprehension test takes place. In the case of the examination of professional competence, on the other hand, there is a 120-minute written test and a subsequent oral examination. The Expertise test is accordingly clear higher-quality than the instruction and one is also allowed to take on special surveillance activities, such as patrols in public traffic areas or working as a shop detective. How the instruction procedure and the examination of competence work, what is asked and who does not have to take part in it, if applicable, is described (among other points) in the Surveillance Ordinance regulated.
Why are the wrong terms used for the expert knowledge examination?
In my estimation, this has various causes. Some people simply do not know any better, some pronounce Convenience only briefly of the “appearance” and some persons (especially companies) use intentionally wrong terms. Since the actually wrong terms are quite common in certain circles (especially among the less qualified), many people who want to prepare for the examination of professional competence simply search for the term “security certificate”, for example. Or else Companies mislead prospective customers into believing they have more than they actually have in them: In the past, there have always been training companies that offered a “safety specialist” qualification. That sounds like more! But what is actually included is usually “only” the preparation for the qualification. At a price of many hundreds or even more than a thousand euros. The specialist for protection and security, on the other hand, is a real 3‑year vocational training — there is a risk of confusion! My tip: So pay close attention to the terms used and, if in doubt, ask what is specifically meant by them. Drücken Sie sich selbst am besten klar aus und verwenden Sie die richtigen Begrifflichkeiten. Sie zeigen damit, dass Sie sich auskennen 🙂
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About me
My name is Hannes Fichtel, I am an examiner in various examination boards in the field of protection & security at the IHK. I have been working in private security since 2006. Starting with the instruction according to § 34a GewO and the training as a specialist for protection and security, I have developed further via the advanced training as a master for protection and security (IHK) up to the bachelor and master studies in the security industry. I run the expertise infoportal and am happy to answer any questions you may have!