What is asked in the examination?

Examination topics/contents
The topics of the expert knowledge examination in the guarding trade (§ 34a GewO) are
- Law of public safety and order including trade law,
- Data protection law,
- Civil Code,
- Criminal law and criminal procedure, handling weapons,
- Accident prevention regulation for guard and security services,
- Dealing with people, especially behaviour in dangerous situations, de-escalation techniques in conflict situations as well as intercultural competence with special attention to diversity and social diversity and
- Basic principles of safety engineering.
It is particularly important for preparation that some subject areas count twice. In particular the legal contents are with regard to the scoring stronger weightednamely concretely Law of public safety and order, Civil Code and Criminal law and criminal procedure.
The number of questions and the maximum points to be achieved in the overview:
- Public security law: 4 questions / 8 points
- Gewerberecht (GewO / BewachV): 4 questions / 4 points
- Data protection law (BDSG/DSGVO): 4 questions / 4 points
- Civil Law (BGB): 12 questions / 24 points
- Criminal law / criminal procedure law: 12 questions / 24 points
- Weapons Act (WaffG): 4 questions / 4 points
- Accident prevention regulations: 8 questions / 8 points
- Dealing with people: 16 questions / 16 points
- Safety engineering: 8 questions / 8 points
Exam questions
When studying, it is best to concentrate on exam questions on legal topics. Basic knowledge is relevant here (Basic Law, e.g. state structure/principles) as well as the relevant paragraphs from the Criminal Code (StGB) and the Civil Code (BGB). Classics are questions on the basic structure, legal definitions, offences with their characteristics and offences. You should also place a strong focus on the so-called everyman’s rights (grounds for justification and excuse). In the area of the Code of Criminal Procedure (StPO), the provisional arrest found in section 127 is relevant.
Both the written and oral examinations cover the topics listed above.
The legal basis is the Surveillance Ordinancenamely § 9 in conjunction with § 7 BewachV. The list of examination topics or contents can be found in Annex 2 of the BewachV.
In this blog of the Sachkunde-Infoportal, questions are presented again and again that can occur in the exam in this or a similar way.
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