In diesem Beitrag geht es darum, wie Sie sich in der mündlichen Sachkundeprüfung nach § 34a GewO verhalten sollten. Erfahren Sie, was bei den Prüferinnen und Prüfern gut ankommt, wie Sie für einen guten ersten Eindruck sorgen und was Sie besser sein lassen. Wir verraten Ihnen auch, was Sie tun können, wenn Sie sich ungerecht behandelt fühlen.
Diese Rahmenbedingungen gelten für die mündliche Sachkundeprüfung…
Alle Menschen sind verschieden. Und so sind auch Prüferinnen und Prüfer keine Roboter, die schlichtweg einen vorhandenen Fragenkatalog abarbeiten. Grundlegend sollen Schwerpunkte abgeprüft werden (> rechtliche Inhalte, z.B. die Jedermannsrechte, Rechtfertigungs- und Entschuldigungsgründe sowie Umgang mit Menschen), jedoch können auch Fragen zu den anderen Themen gestellt werden, die ebenfalls Inhalt des schriftlichen Teils der Sachkundeprüfung waren. Generell wird nicht „auf Lücke geprüft“ und die Prüfer fragen ausschließlich Inhalte des Lernstoffs ab, der festgelegt ist. Denn die Prüfer müssen sich an die vorgegebenen Rahmeninhalte halten. Sprich: Es darf nur zu den Themengebieten gefragt werden, die durch die Bewachungsverordnung vorgegeben sind. Sie dürfen davon ausgehen, dass man Ihnen durchaus hilft, wenn Sie einmal auf dem Schlauch stehen und man Sie keineswegs durchfallen lassen möchte. Dennoch sollte eben wesentliches Wissen vorhanden sein, damit Sie Ihren Job in der privaten Sicherheit richtig ausüben können. Darüber hinaus gibt es weitere Regeln wie z.B. die Prüfungsordnungen der IHK, die festlegen welche Rahmenbedingungen eingehalten werden müssen. Auch daran müssen sich Prüfende und Prüflinge halten.
Wie läuft die mündliche Sachkundeprüfung ab?
Der Ablauf der mündlichen Prüfung unterscheidet sich von IHK zu IHK teilweise. Generell werden aber zu Beginn der Prüfung zunächst Formvorgaben abgeprüft, dann folgt die eigentliche Prüfung und nach einer kurzen Beratung wird Ihnen das Prüfungsergebnis mitgeteilt:
Identitätsfeststellung: Nach dem Betreten des Prüfungsraumes und einer kurzen Begrüßung, wird zunächst festgestellt, ob Sie tatsächlich der richtige Prüfungsteilnehmer sind. Dazu ist in jedem Fall ein Ausweisdokument und meist auch das Einladungsschreiben vorzulegen.
Frage nach Gesundheit: Man wird Sie vor Beginn fragen, ob Sie gesundheitlich in der Lage sind die Prüfung heute abzulegen. Sie haben hier noch die Möglichkeit – in der Regel untermauert durch ein nachgereichtes ärztliches Attest – von der Prüfung zurückzutreten. Starten Sie hingegen trotz etwaiger Beschwerden und bestehen Sie die Prüfung nicht, gilt diese als nicht bestanden (Fehlversuch).
Frage zur Befangenheit: Sie haben (begründete) Vorbehalte gegen ein Mitglied des Prüfungsausschusses, z.B. weil es sich um einen ehemaligen Vorgesetzten handelt? Dann können Sie diese(n) zuvor ablehnen, indem Sie Befangenheit geltend machen. Wichtig ist hierbei, dass es dadurch sein kann, dass Sie zu einem anderen Termin nochmal zur Prüfung vor einem anderen Ausschuss erscheinen müssen. Es ist aber auch denkbar, dass Ihr Befangenheitsantrag abgelehnt wird, nämlich wenn Sie keinen triftigen Grund haben.
Hinweis zu den Regeln: Ebenfalls vor Beginn der eigentlichen Prüfung, werden Sie auf die Regeln hingewiesen. Zumeist umfassen diese Regelhinweise, dass Handys und Smartphones sowie Smartwatches und andere Hilfsmittel verboten sind und zum Nichtbestehen führen. Handys und „smarte Geräte“ sollten in jedem Fall komplett ausgeschaltet sein oder zuhause gelassen werden.
Prüfungsgespräch: Nun geht es ans Eingemachte. Die Fragezeit, meist pro Person 15 Minuten, beginnt. Sie werden hierzu von drei Mitgliedern des Prüfungsausschusses nacheinander bzw. manchmal auch abwechselnd befragt. Nehmen Sie hierzu eine für Sie möglichst entspannte Situation ein (sitzen/stehen) und achten Sie darauf, dass Sie die Fragen auch akustisch gut verstehen können (ggf. Störquellen wie offene Fenster vorher schließen bzw. darauf hinweisen). Wenn Sie etwas – auch inhaltlich – nicht gut verstanden haben, können Sie darauf hinweisen und bitten, dass die Frage wiederholt oder ggf. anders gestellt wird. Beantworten Sie die Fragen möglichst genau und ohne Umschweife. Weitere Hinweise auch zum Prüfungsgespräch finden Sie in den Tipps im nächsten Absatz (Aufzählung).
Beratung und Ergebnisverkündung: Nach der letzten Frage bzw. mit Zeitablauf wird man Sie zwecks Beratung des Prüfungsausschusses kurz nach draußen bitten. Im Anschluss wird das Ergebnis verkündet. Sie erfahren also sofort, ob Sie bestanden haben oder nicht. Das offizielle Schreiben der IHK hierüber mit Ihrer Bescheinigung erhalten Sie einige Tage später bzw. Ihr Arbeitgeber, falls dieser Sie angemeldet hat. Manche Prüfer geben Ihnen abschließend auch Tipps mit, die Sie beherzigen sollten, insbesondere wenn Sie nochmal zur Prüfung antreten müssen.
Mit folgenden Punkten sind Sie für die Prüfung gut beraten…
Das erforderliche Wissen ist das A und O für die Prüfung und streng genommen in der Sachkundeprüfung auch das Einzige, das wirklich zählt. Doch sind wir ehrlich: Neben dem abgefragten Wissen, gibt es weitere Punkte, die am Ende – gerade wenn es inhaltlich eng werden sollte – ausschlaggebend sein könnten.
Folgende Tipps haben wir daher insgesamt für die mündliche Prüfung für Sie:
Vorbereitung ist entscheidend: Stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie das Material gründlich studiert haben, das für die Prüfung relevant ist. Je besser Sie vorbereitet sind, desto selbstbewusster werden Sie auftreten. Je besser das Fachwissen sitzt und Sie es in der Situation abrufen und anwenden können, desto überzeugender sind Sie.
Seien Sie pünktlich: Erscheinen Sie rechtzeitig zum Prüfungstermin. Pünktlichkeit zeigt einerseits Respekt und Zuverlässigkeit, andererseits ist es zu Ihrem Nachteil, wenn Sie unpünktlich sind. Wenn es blöd läuft ist die Prüfung an diesem Tag dann bereits für Sie gelaufen.
Kleiden Sie sich angemessen: Klar – die Kleidung ist kein Kriterium, das über Bestehen oder Nichtbestehen entscheidet. Dennoch sind Jogginganzüge, Tanktops und verdreckte, abgenutzte Kleidung deplatziert.
Begrüßen Sie höflich: Wenn Sie den Prüfungraum betreten, ist eine freundliche, authentische Begrüßung und Augenkontakt angemessen. Auf einen Händedruck sollte hingegen aus hygienischen Gründen (Covid, Viren, Bakterien, etc.) in der Regel verzichtet werden.
Hören Sie aufmerksam zu: Während der Prüfung hören Sie genau zu und stellen Sie sicher, dass Sie die gestellten Fragen verstehen, bevor Sie antworten. Falls Sie etwas nicht verstehen, zögern Sie nicht, um Klarstellung zu bitten. Sie müssen auch nicht immer wie „aus der Pistole geschossen“ antworten. Wenn Sie zwischen mehreren in Frage kommenden richtigen Antworten schwanken, können Sie die Prüfer auch an Ihren Gedankengängen teilhaben lassen.
Antworten Sie klar und präzise: Versuchen Sie, klare und präzise Antworten zu geben. Vermeiden Sie es, um den heißen Brei herumzureden. Wenn Sie etwas definitiv nicht wissen, geben Sie lieber zu, dass Sie etwas nicht wissen, anstatt mehrmals falsche Informationen zu liefern bzw. in ein munteres Rätselraten überzugehen. Gehen Sie außerdem davon aus, dass die Prüfer nachfragen, wenn Sie diesen ein bestimmtes Stichwort als Antwort liefern, ohne dieses ausreichend erklärt zu haben.
Bleiben Sie ruhig: Selbst wenn Sie nervös sind, versuchen Sie, ruhig zu bleiben. Die Prüfer wissen, dass viele Prüflinge angespannt sind. Manchmal hilft es kurz durchzuschnaufen oder wenn der Mund trocken wird, einen Schluck zu trinken. Für Prüfer ist eine Prüfungssituation auch kein Kaffeekränzchen. Auch diese müssen sich konzentrieren, wenn sie Sie befragen, Antworten beurteilen und den Ablauf mitnotieren.
Zeigen Sie Selbstvertrauen: Zeigen Sie Selbstvertrauen in Ihr Wissen und Ihre Fähigkeiten. Selbst wenn Sie unsicher sind, können Sie durch eine selbstbewusste Haltung einen positiven Eindruck hinterlassen. Natürlich funktioniert das aber nur, wenn Sie über belastbares Wissen verfügen. Kaum etwas kommt schlimmer an als Überheblichkeit (bei gleichzeitiger Unwissenheit).
Seien Sie höflich und respektvoll: Behandeln Sie die Prüfer und andere Prüfungsteilnehmer mit Respekt und Höflichkeit. Vermeiden Sie es, während der Prüfung unhöflich oder unprofessionell zu sein.
Verabschiedung: Egal wie die Prüfung gelaufen ist. Man sieht sich immer (mindestens) zwei Mal im Leben – und die Sicherheitsbranche ist gut vernetzt. Gehen Sie erhobenen Hauptes aus der Prüfung, verabschieden Sie sich ordentlich und greifen Sie Tipps der Prüfer durchaus auf, wenn diese nützlich sein können.
Mildernde Umstände?
Es kommt immer wieder vor, dass Prüfungsteilnehmer besondere Umstände erwähnen, weswegen sie sich nicht ordentlich vorbereiten konnten. Das kann von einer hohen zeitlichen Auslastung über eine vorangegangene Nachtschicht bis hin zu einer schwerwiegenden Erkrankung oder gar dem Tod einer nahestehenden Person reichen. Solche Umstände sind tragisch und oft ist es menschlich überaus nachvollziehbar, dass man sich dann nicht richtig vorbereiten konnte. Jedoch können und dürfen solche Aspekte – bei aller Empathie – vom Prüfungsausschuss nicht als „mildernde Umstände“ angerechnet werden. Das wäre zum einen unfair den anderen Prüfungsteilnehmern gegenüber, zum anderen würde dann ja gerade der Zweck einer solchen Prüfung völlig verfehlt. Was nützt es Ihnen später, wenn Sie die Prüfung „unwissend bestanden“ hätten, dann aber in einer kritischen Situation im Job nicht klar darüber sind, was Sie tun dürfen, respektive müssen? Entweder Sie bringen sich selbst oder andere in Gefahr und/oder stehen mit einem Fuß im Gefängnis. Bitte überlegen Sie sich daher zuvor gründlich, ob Sie an diesem Tag zur Prüfung antreten oder nicht. Sagen Sie gegebenenfalls rechtzeitig ab!
Fairness und Tipps bei Konflikten
Jeder kann mal einen schlechten Tag haben. Dennoch gelten für die IHK-Prüfungen klare Regeln für alle und es zählt das objektiv festgestellte Ergebnis. Ein fairer, resprektvoller Umgang zwischen den Prüfungsteilnehmern und den Mitgliedern des Prüfungsausschusses ist daher unerlässlich. Mitunter kann es in seltenen Fällen inhaltliche Differenzen in der Beurteilung geben, inwiefern eine gegebene Antwort korrekt ist. Oder es wird angezweifelt, dass eine bestimmte Frage so gestellt werden durfte. Sie können natürlich Ihren Standpunkt darlegen, doch beachten Sie, dass eine ausschweifende Diskussion in der unmittelbaren Prüfungssituation wenig angebracht ist. Die Prüfer sitzen hier zunächst am längeren Hebel. Bleiben Sie also auch bei etwaigen Unstimmigkeiten während des Prüfungsgesprächs und bei der Ergebnisverkündung sachlich und höflich.
Zielführender ist es, sich mit einer ausführlichen Begründung im Nachgang schriftlich zu beschweren, z.B. indem Sie nach Bekanntgabe der Entscheidung Widerspruch gegen die Prüfungsentscheidung einlegen. Wurden „Formfehler“ begangen, besteht eine gute Chance die Prüfung erfolgreich anzufechten – doch das ist eher selten der Fall. Ansonsten besteht natürlich auch die Möglichkeit, Einsicht in den Prüfungsakt zu nehmen, einen Anwalt zu konsultieren und den Rechtsweg zu beschreiten, also vor dem Verwaltungsgericht zu klagen. Seien Sie an dieser Stelle aber vorgewarnt: Wenn Seitens der IHK oder der Ausschussmitglieder keine groben Schnitzer begangen worden sind, hat eine Klage sehr wenig Aussicht auf Erfolg. Allemal besser ist es, diesen großen zeitlichen und finanziellen Aufwand zu meiden und schlichtweg besser vorbereitet erneut anzutreten. So hoch ist die Hürde für den „34a-Schein“ nun wirklich nicht.
Die mündliche Prüfung stellt für viele Teilnehmende eine Ausnahmesituation dar, in der man natürlich ein wenig aufgeregt ist. Doch dazu besteht kein Anlass, wenn Sie sich gut vorbereitet haben. Gehen Sie möglichst gelassen und authentisch in die Prüfung. Hören Sie genau zu, beantworten Sie die Fragen zielgerichtet, zeigen Sie sich respektvoll und höflich. Dann kann kaum etwas schiefgehen.
The expert knowledge examination in the guarding trade according to § 34a of the Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act (Gewerbeordnung) is an important prerequisite for entering the profession in this field. It is intended to ensure that applicants have the necessary knowledge to guarantee the safety of people and the protection of property. In this context, the question arises whether it makes sense to just learn all possible exam questions and answers by heart without delving deeper into the content of the exam.
Exam questions: Theory and practice
No question — learning with 34a exam questions offers many advantages. Pure memorisation of exam questions and answers is not a suitable preparation method in this context, as the exam may also include situational questions. This is especially the case in the oral part of the exam. In addition, it is important to understand the connections between different subject areas and to be able to apply them to concrete practical cases. Superficial preparation may lead to some candidates passing the exam but not being able to apply their knowledge in practice. As a rule, however, passing the exam also becomes a challenge if one only learns by heart and has not gained a real understanding of the contents.
Furthermore, it is important not only to know the legal basics and the relevant regulations, but also to understand the psychological and communicative aspects of the profession. After all, private security guards must not only recognise and ward off dangers, but also be able to apply de-escalation techniques and deal with difficult situations. This also includes communicating effectively and resolving conflicts. Of course, it is not only the learning content that plays a role here, but above all professional experience and the passing on of experience, e.g. within the framework of a preparatory course or in exchange with experienced colleagues. Incidentally, there is a focus on the legal topics of the 34a professional qualification examination. Topics such as criminal law or civil law are Weighted twice in the written examination. One should not leave any points lying around lightly by understanding the legal matter here, not to mention the risks of legal ignorance when later working in the security service.
Understanding the contents of the examination
Exam candidates should engage intensively with the content of the exam and try to gain a deeper understanding. They should not only deal with the facts, but also with the contexts and the meaning of what they have learned. One way to do this is to talk to other people who are also preparing for the exam or are already working in the industry. Practical experience can also help to deepen understanding and apply what has been learned. Generally recommended are Books, online courses and classroom trainingThe course is designed to provide a context and not to work exclusively with test questions and solutions. Explanations based on case studies can make a significant contribution to understanding, especially legal topics.
In summary, it does not make sense to just memorise all possible exam questions and answers without delving deeper into the content of the exam. Instead, candidates should deal intensively with the contents of the exam and try to gain a deeper understanding. This can help them not only to pass the exam but also to be able to apply their knowledge in practice and to work successfully in the private security industry.
In the following article, I would like to suggest the various learning options, with their advantages and disadvantages, for preparing for the Sachkundeprüfung § 34a GewO — a guest article by The Safety Guru.
Frontal teaching
Classes are held in an academy, usually on a full-day basis. In a structured classroom environment, a learning situation is created for the students in which a lecturer takes on the role of a knowledge broker. The teacher can use different learning methods to facilitate the students’ learning. These may include lectures, discussions, group work, demonstrations or experiments. In class, students can also ask questions directly and receive feedback from the lecturer or classmates, which improves understanding of the learning material. Classes can also provide opportunities to foster social skills and collaboration as students work and learn together.
Online lessons
Online teaching is similar to traditional teaching, but it takes place over the internet. The lecturer uses various digital tools to facilitate the students’ learning. Examples of digital tools can be: video and audio chat, online courses, learning platforms, virtual classrooms or e‑learning modules. Online teaching can be particularly advantageous in today’s world, as it offers the possibility to continue teaching even in times of pandemics or other circumstances that affect normal teaching. Another advantage of online teaching is that students can learn from anywhere as long as they have an internet connection. And also like face-to-face classes, students can ask questions and get feedback from the instructor or classmates, which can improve their understanding of the learning material.
Self-learning with book and YouTube videos
Self-learner with book and YouTube videos are people who learn independently by obtaining information from books or videos on the internet. This form of learning is less structured and requires more discipline and initiative from the learners. Unlike classroom or online learning, self-learners have the freedom to set their own pace and choose the content of the learning material. However, there is also a risk that self-learners may have difficulty achieving their learning goals due to a lack of structure and guidance. Learners need to motivate and discipline themselves to learn continuously. It is also more difficult to ask questions and receive feedback because there is no direct contact with a teacher or other learners.
Advantages and disadvantages
Overall, all three forms of learning — face-to-face teaching, online teaching and self-learning with books and YouTube videos — have advantages and disadvantages:
Frontal teaching
Structured learning environment
Interaction with the lecturer and classmates
Opportunity to ask questions and receive feedback
Promoting social skills and cooperation
Possible dependence on the lecturer
Restrictions on flexibility, as lessons take place at fixed times
Not all students may be able to follow the teaching method
Online lessons
Flexibility, as teaching can take place from anywhere as long as an internet connection is available
Possibility to continue teaching even if there are restrictions that affect traditional teaching
Access to a variety of digital tools to enhance the learning process
Possibility to record lessons and watch them again later on
Possible limitations in interaction with the lecturer and classmates
Technical problems can affect the learning process
Possibly the learning environment is less structured than in traditional teaching
Not all students may be technically equipped or have a sufficient internet connection to participate in online classes.
Self-learning with books and YouTube videos
Freedom to set your own learning goal and pace
Access to a wide range of learning materials
Flexibility to shape learning according to one’s own needs and preferences
No dependence on a teacher or other learners
Possible restrictions on motivation and discipline
Possible lack of structure and guidance
Possible difficulties in clarifying questions and feedback
Possibly more difficult to promote social skills and cooperation
Overall, it is important to note that none of the learning styles are perfect and it depends on which learning style best suits the learner’s individual needs and preferences. Furthermore, the different learning styles can of course be combined with each other. Especially the possibility to use YouTube videos as a supplement for any kind of learning is very good. And here my recommendation lies on the YouTube videos of the SecurityGuru34a. These videos are clearly structured, informative, easy to understand and therefore very helpful. With the help of these videos, one can learn at one’s own pace and deepen content that was not so well conveyed in class. There is complete lessons and Sample exams with explanations of the questions and answers.
I hope that with this article I have been able to give you an understanding of the different learning methods and that you will find the right method for you.
Talking around it is useless. One thing is clear: The traditional security industry is a low-wage sector!
Nevertheless: the security industry offers variety, responsible, exciting and also quiet jobs. And if you’re smart, you can make ends meet. But — what do you earn as a security guard with a certificate of competence?
What matters when it comes to earnings in the security industry…
If you decide to work in the private security sector or are looking for a new employer, the financial aspects certainly play a major role. There are several factors that contribute to a good hourly wage. The most important aspects for a more attractive salary are listed below.
Level of education and training
Obviously, the better trained you are, the higher your earning potential. As an unskilled security guard only with training according to § 34a GewO, you will very often not be paid much more than the minimum wage. With the expert knowledge examination, you can achieve a good bit more basic hourly wage with manageable effort.. You can go even further with further training to become a certified protection and security worker or with training to become a specialist for protection and security. Incidentally, the minimum wage nationwide has been 12.43 euros per hour since 1 January 2023. The increase to 13 euros per hour from 1 April 2023 has already been decided.
Additional qualifications
Additional qualifications, for example in first aid or fire protection (e.g. as a fire protection assistant), are very helpful and increase the market value of security staff. These do not always have a direct effect on the hourly wage, but they are always a plus point in job applications. Additional qualifications include the following:
Fire safety helper
Evacuation helper
Lift rescue (rescue of persons from lifts)
Intervention force
NSL specialist
Safety Officer (Occupational Safety)
Hygiene/Health Officer
Basic knowledge course in radiation protection and decontamination
Weapons expertise examination
Intercultural skills and knowledge of foreign languages, especially at least basic English, should also not be underestimated.
The security industry has many facets and therefore the activities that security workers perform are also very diverse. Accordingly, there are sometimes serious wage differences. Security activities such as separate guards and simple guarding activities are often rather poorly paid. Jobs that require special skills often pay well. For example in the Aviation security, in the range Cash and valuables transport, during the activity in nuclear facilities, in which Underground and suburban railway guarding or as an NSL specialist in Emergency call and service control centres the earnings are often significantly higher than the industry average. The exact amount of the wage for the job can be found in the Collective agreements take from them. If they have been declared generally binding, which is usually the case, they apply to all employees. (It is best to add the federal state to the Google search to narrow down the results).
Working hours
Anyone who is already active in the industry and works in shifts knows it: Often, biorhythms and private life suffer from the changing working hours. However, working night shifts, Sundays and public holidays often offers decisive financial advantages. Depending on the federal state/collective agreement, the following benefits can be earned Night, Sunday and public holiday surcharges that are well worth seeing. What’s more, these tax-free! On public holidays in many places 100% Surcharge possiblei.e. in addition to the actual daily wage, you receive the same amount again — but tax-free! Viewed over the month, depending of course on the amount of night, Sunday and public holiday hours, the following can be achieved Several hundred euros on top earn. Especially around the turn of the year or at Easter, this can be a lucrative affair.
Overtime is, of course, a partial aspect of working hours. Nevertheless, I would like to devote a separate point to this aspect here. Why? Because experience shows that a lot of overtime is worked in the security sector, often much more than is legally permissible and with too few breaks between assignments. Think carefully about whether you want to go along with this and should actually work 200, 220, 240 or even more hours per month. My tip at this point would be to invest in further education and not to trade so much time for money: Memento Mori — your lifetime is also limited. Set priorities and make a good decision for you, also for your future.
As in other industries, there is a West-East divide in the private security sector. In the past, these wage differences were really glaring. Security workers in Berlin earned in some areas not even half of those who worked in Bavaria. As a rule, the best-paid federal states include Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg and North Rhine-Westphalia. Among the lowest paid are still the new federal states, for example Brandenburg or Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. Just a few years ago, one could barely keep one’s head above water with a job as a security guard in the East German states. However, the minimum wage and the gradual convergence of collective agreements are increasingly putting the differences into perspective. In addition, one should not forget that where people earn more, they usually earn less. Cost of living (especially rents) are higher. So think carefully — if you are toying with the idea — whether a move is really worth it for you.
Many people think of security service jobs in the classic way, as the security company that as a service provider external customers. Whereas in the past, veteran employees in factories came to the plant security service towards the end of their working lives to spend the last years of their careers doing less strenuous work, the situation has changed considerably nowadays. Professional, external security service providers look after a large number of companies from business and industry or the public sector as clients. But they still exist, despite the decades-long trend towards outsourcing. The Internal plant security. Especially in industry, property and plant protection activities are when you are directly employed by the manufacturing company, very well paid. Der Grund hierfür ist, dass Sie nach dem Branchentarif bezahlt werden, dem die Masse der Belegschaft angehört. Werfen Sie einen Blick in die Rate tables for the metal and electrical industry! These monthly salaries are in a different league.
Allowances regulated by collective agreement are usually paid for guard/shift leaders, for dog handlers or in certain facilities such as military properties. Likewise, there are often allowances for on-call duties, e.g. for (additional) work in the plant fire brigade. These range from a few cents per hour up to over 10% more pay. In Bavaria, there is also slightly more money if you work in the greater Munich area.
Security companies or their clients also sometimes pay Voluntary (revocable) allowances. Manchmal gibt es auch Einmal-Prämien für besonders erfolgreiche Einsätze oder für herausragende Arbeitsleistungen. Leider sind diese Art Zulagen aber eher die Ausnahme. Immer häufiger vorzufinden ist aber eine Wechselprämie, also so eine Art „Begrüßungsgeld“. Das allein sollte aber aber nicht unbedingt der alleinige Grund für einen Arbeitgeberwechsel sein.
Concrete numbers
You would like to know concrete figures?
If you have read the article up to this point, you will realise that this is difficult, as it can depend on a number of factors such as the federal state, the job, the working hours and their (additional) qualifications. Nevertheless, a concrete example:
Monthly salary in the separate guard service with IHK specialist knowledge examination in 2023 in Bavaria:
14,00 Euro per hour
180 hours per month
12h holiday
16h Sunday
60h night
This results in approx. 2520 euros of taxable income (gross) and just under 420 euros of tax-free supplements.With income tax class 1 and no children, a single person thus receives approx. 2170 Euro net transferred. However, this calculation is for illustrative purposes only. Your actual salary paid out may depend on numerous factors!
Hint: This article was last updated in February 2023. As there are regular adjustments to both the minimum wage and collective agreement regulations, the framework conditions may have changed in the meantime! (All information without guarantee.)
Only security staff require a competence examination, which is special guarding activities according to § 34a GewO or wish to set up their own security company. The activities that may only be carried out with the 34a licence include, in particular, guarding in public areas, at admission areas or in various security activities in a managerial position: More here.
However, even if you want to carry out an activity for which the successful passing of a certificate of competence examination is actually mandatory, there are certain exceptions. Not all persons need the certificate of competence, even if they carry out regulated guarding activities or are self-employed as a security contractor with their own security company.
Who is exempt from the 34a examination…
Basically applies: Anyone who has completed a higher-level training or further training with a recognised (IHK) qualification in the security industry does not need an additional certificate of competence!
But be careful! There are a few more pitfalls. Here are the details on the exemption from the expert knowledge examination:
A person is exempt from the expert knowledge examination if he…
certified plant security specialist (WSFK) or as a certified protection and security worker (GSSK),
as a service worker for protection and security (SSS) or as a specialist for protection and security (FSS),
as a certified master craftsman for protection and security or as a certified master craftswoman for protection and security (MSS),
as a certified plant security foreman or forewoman,
…has successfully passed the corresponding final examination. Proof of this can be provided by presenting the respective examination certificate.
I have successfully completed the so-called “plant security courses”. Is this the same as the examination for expert knowledge?
No! The factory security courses (factory security course 1–2 or 1–4) are — without successfully passing the examination to become a factory security specialist — not equivalent! You need the expert examination. In addition, the IHK works protection specialist examination is no longer offered.
I was in the armed forces. Do I still have to take the examination?
Basically already. Caution is advised here: As a person doing basic military service, a temporary soldier or a professional soldier, you have to take the expert knowledge examination — regardless of whether you are currently obliged to be a soldier or not — if you (additionally) want to work in the private security sector and perform the corresponding guarding tasks. The only exception is for military police, i.e. the military police of the German Armed Forces. Military police officers are exempt from the expert knowledge examination, as military police officers have acquired a large part of the knowledge required in the expert knowledge examination during their training courses. Military police officers or sergeants, for example, do not need to take a Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) examination; the proof is provided by the Bundeswehr’s training or service record. All other soldiers must acquire the 34a certificate.
Do I need a certificate of competence as a police officer?
There are exceptions both for police officers at state level (Land police) and at federal level (Bundespolizei). By the way, the same applies to employees in the correctional service and to the weapons-carrying area of the customs service. It is important to note that the obligation to take the examination is only waived if you work in law enforcement and have successfully completed the corresponding career examination — at least for the intermediate service. Police officers who work as civil servants in the police enforcement service therefore do not need a certificate of competence. Many police officers earn extra money privately, e.g. as doormen. Especially in conurbations where life is expensive, such as Munich, Stuttgart, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Berlin or Düsseldorf, a part-time job in a security company is a good way to earn extra money. Tip on the side: Make sure that you inform your (main) employer about your side job and ideally have it approved in writing.
I studied law, have an LL.B. or a state law degree. Do I really still need to take the expert knowledge examination?
It’s hard to believe: but of course, a (part-time) job in the security industry can also be interesting for prospective lawyers, be it to finance their studies or to gain impressions of the industry. Of course: In the field of law (public safety and order, trade law, data protection law, criminal law and criminal procedure law, civil code, code of criminal procedure, etc.) law graduates are already fit. That’s why you only need to catch up on the topics of accident prevention in the security industry (UVV, DGUV regulation 23), dealing with people and the basics of security technology. A certificate of participation in the IHK instruction procedure serves as proof of this. Together with a certificate of successful completion of a law degree at a university or academy that awards a degree equivalent to a university degree, no additional completion of the expert knowledge examination pursuant to §34a GewO is required.
I have been working as a security guard for many years. Is work experience not enough recognition?
No, not normally! However, there are certain transitional arrangements for “veteran” security workers. Employees in the private security sector who have participated in the required training since 1 April 1996 or who were already working in the security sector before 31 March 1996 and were previously exempt from training due to this cut-off date regulation are, so to speak, “grandfathered”. Attention: This exemption may only be invoked if it can be shown that the guarding activity was uninterrupted for at least three years before the cut-off date of 1 January 2003. For all others who have only been active in the security industry since 2003, such exemptions do not apply. So it is complicated! My tip: It is better to invest in taking the qualification examination and benefit from a “knowledge update” even as an experienced security employee!
Attention: Special cases!
There are some other special cases, such as the possible recognition of foreign certificates of competence. It is also not always clear whether the type of activity to be performed requires a qualification examination at all. If it is a matter of simple stewarding activities (e.g. car park ushers) or simply checking and tearing off admission tickets, there is usually no need for an expert knowledge examination, and in some cases not even the instruction according to § 34a GewO. However, borderline cases such as supervision or security services in museums or certain constellations of activities in event protection are sometimes controversial. (Such borderline cases are discussed again in separate articles here on the Infoportal). An important note: To be on the safe side, ask the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK) and the competent authority whether your qualification is sufficient or whether you also have to take the IHK examination according to § 34a GewO. You will then receive legally secure, personal information. If you are new to private security, you are then allowed to carry out the corresponding activities after your reliability has been checked and you have been assigned the guard ID!
In April 2021, in the blog post “Are there currently any examinations at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce because of Corona?” about the current state of affairs at that time regarding the implementation of IHK professional examinations. For a while, exams were cancelled or postponed. A strict hygiene regime applied.
After the back and forth of politics regarding covid protection measures and different rules, some of which were difficult to comprehend factually, a large part of the previous requirements have now been repealed in most federal states.
In principle, masks are no longer compulsory. However, it is recommended to carry an FFP‑2 mask.
Wearing at least a medical face mask during the examination is recommended, but is usually no longer compulsory.
Proof of testing, vaccination or convalescence is generally no longer required. (= no 3G requirement)
If you have tested positive for SARS-CoV‑2 and your examination date is coming up, it is best to enquire at the responsible IHK about the currently possible course of action. It is conceivable to withdraw from the exam and take it again at a later date or — depending on the federal state — to take it under certain protective measures.
Note: All information is without guarantee (as of 20.11.2022). Please note the current requirements of the examining IHK or the federal state!
Both Jörg Zitzmann as well as Kai Deliomini are very well known in the private security industry.
Among other things, both are represented in IHK examination committees in the field of protection and security, are active as authors of books for the preparation of the expert knowledge examination and are represented with many helpful videos on YouTube and in podcasts.
With not infrequent failure rates between 30 and 50%, the question naturally arises: What’s the reason?
Some factors for success or failure are obvious. Some problems can be solved quickly and easily, some simply require intensive learning, practice and perseverance. Before I go on to point out what I consider to be the main (mis)success factors, here is the very interesting conversation between Jörg Zitzmann and Kai Deliomini on YouTube:
My top 5 reasons why so many people fail the written and oral IHK specialist knowledge examination
From my experience, the following factors are the main reasons for failure with the “34a-licence”:
Lack of motivation / lack of interest
Many participants do not see any added value in the exam. They have no real interest in the content, so they don’t want to learn at all. This is particularly pronounced among people who are “sent” by their employer or the employment agency and are not actually interested in the private security sector at all. But even if the participation itself is of their own accord: The examination is often not seen as an opportunity but as a necessary evil. Lack of motivation and interest, however, are diametrically opposed to exam success.
No sufficient preparation of the content
Some people take the exam lightly. Multiple-choice questions with pre-set answers to tick off and only 50% necessary correct answers to pass — what could go wrong, you ask yourself. But far from it. The legal topics in particular are tough. In addition, there is excitement, especially in the oral exam, and questions where you may have to think a little outside the box. If you don’t have the necessary knowledge and thus the confidence to act, you will quickly be eliminated. Comprehensive preparation is the be-all and end-all for exam success!
Insufficient knowledge of German
A lot has already been asked and said about German language skills. One thing is certain: many people who work in the security sector are not native speakers of German. Multilingualism is often important for the job, but so is sufficient knowledge of German. This is because the examination is offered exclusively in German and you must also be able to communicate confidently in German in your everyday work as a security guard. Legal texts are written in difficult language, “officialese” is usually just as difficult to understand, and the exam questions sometimes depend on individual words that can change the meaning in one direction or another or provide hints for solutions.
Structure and manner of the examination are unclear
Many people are not completely clear about the framework conditions of the exam. But only if you know which topics are important and how, and how the exam is structured, can you prepare for it specifically and efficiently. For example, there are topics that you can quickly get over, which can usually be answered with common sense. Some topics, on the other hand, count twice and some require more intensive study. In addition, there are empirical values for the oral examination and tactical tips for working through test questions, which should be conveyed by a competent lecturer or author, for example.
Difficult individual conditions
Of course, people are different. Everyone has different personal prerequisites and the general conditions (e.g. family obligations, free time for learning, learning environment, etc.) also play a significant role in success and failure. You may also know people who can memorise things with a “quick glance” and recall this knowledge at the snap of a finger. Others, on the other hand, find this significantly more difficult. Some people also have no problem at all speaking in front of others in an exam situation, most are naturally tense, some participants suffer downright from exam anxiety.
Ask yourself to what extent the points above apply to you, how you can avoid mistakes in your preparation and compensate for any deficits. You can find more information on this right here in the subject knowledge information portal numerous tips and Links to other sites or media such as YouTube.
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About me
My name is Hannes Fichtel, I am an examiner in various examination boards in the field of protection & security at the IHK. I have been working in private security since 2006. Starting with the instruction according to § 34a GewO and the training as a specialist for protection and security, I have developed further via the advanced training as a master for protection and security (IHK) up to the bachelor and master studies in the security industry. I run the expertise infoportal and am happy to answer any questions you may have!