The information portal on the 34a examination is now multilingual!

You don’t speak German, but another language?
Qualified workers are currently urgently needed in many areas in Germany. One of these areas is the private security industry. To be allowed to work for a security service in Germany, you need the following for many guarding activities Examination of expert knowledge according to § 34a of the Trade Regulation Act. You are then a qualified applicant with a 34a certificate of competence and have excellent Job prospects with corresponding pay!
Information on the German 34a-Sachkundeprüfung (Security) in your language
You will find a lot of free information on the German qualification examination for security staff here in the qualification info portal. Navigate via the main menu at the very top through our Information pages, browse the current blog posts or make targeted use of the Search. If you have an individual request, you can also contact us at any time. Post your question in the help forum.
Available languages in the Subject Guide Infoportal
Normally, the system automatically detects which language you are using and sets the 34a portal to this language. The following languages are currently supported:
- German
- Bulgarian
- Czech
- English
- French
- Italian
- Polish
- Romanian
- Slovenian
- Spanish
- Russian
- Turkish
- Ukrainian
You can always adjust the website language via the selection menu at the top left (flag and language code). Or simply via the button below:
Preparation and examination in another language?
The expert knowledge examination can only be taken in German. However, there are certainly some offers that support foreign language learners in their preparation — e.g. literature, among others Lexicons with 34a technical terms and their translation.
Your language is not available?
Feel free to write a comment on this page below this blog post. Tell us the language into which you would like our 34a information translated. We will gladly take up any suggestions for improvement and implement them if possible.