
Exper­ti­se Infoportal

Exper­ti­se info page: Ever­y­thing new!

Expertise info page: Everything new!

Hel­lo to all tho­se inte­res­ted in expertise!

As of today, the infor­ma­ti­on page on the sub­ject has a new look. The site has been com­ple­te­ly rede­si­gned gra­phi­cal­ly and is now also easy to use on smart­phones! In addi­ti­on, the ran­ge of ser­vices has been expan­ded. Ask your ques­ti­on in the Forum or use the Page searchif you need infor­ma­ti­on on a spe­ci­fic subject.

News always in the blog

Also new is the web­log whe­re you are curr­ent­ly rea­ding this post. I will inform you here in short artic­les when­ever the­re is news about the 34a exami­na­ti­on or other secu­ri­ty topics!

About me

My name is Han­nes Fich­tel, I am an exami­ner in various exami­na­ti­on boards in the field of pro­tec­tion & secu­ri­ty at the IHK. I have been working in pri­va­te secu­ri­ty sin­ce 2006. Start­ing with the ins­truc­tion accor­ding to § 34a GewO and the trai­ning as a spe­cia­list for pro­tec­tion and secu­ri­ty, I have deve­lo­ped fur­ther via the advan­ced trai­ning as a mas­ter for pro­tec­tion and secu­ri­ty (IHK) up to the bache­lor and mas­ter stu­dies in the secu­ri­ty indus­try. I run the exper­ti­se info­por­tal and am hap­py to ans­wer any ques­ti­ons you may have!
