Memorising exam questions and answers: Is that enough to pass the 34a exam?

The expert knowledge examination in the guarding trade according to § 34a of the Trade, Commerce and Industry Regulation Act (Gewerbeordnung) is an important prerequisite for entering the profession in this field. It is intended to ensure that applicants have the necessary knowledge to guarantee the safety of people and the protection of property.
In this context, the question arises whether it makes sense to just learn all possible exam questions and answers by heart without delving deeper into the content of the exam.
Exam questions: Theory and practice
No question — learning with 34a exam questions offers many advantages. Pure memorisation of exam questions and answers is not a suitable preparation method in this context, as the exam may also include situational questions. This is especially the case in the oral part of the exam. In addition, it is important to understand the connections between different subject areas and to be able to apply them to concrete practical cases. Superficial preparation may lead to some candidates passing the exam but not being able to apply their knowledge in practice. As a rule, however, passing the exam also becomes a challenge if one only learns by heart and has not gained a real understanding of the contents.
Furthermore, it is important not only to know the legal basics and the relevant regulations, but also to understand the psychological and communicative aspects of the profession. After all, private security guards must not only recognise and ward off dangers, but also be able to apply de-escalation techniques and deal with difficult situations. This also includes communicating effectively and resolving conflicts. Of course, it is not only the learning content that plays a role here, but above all professional experience and the passing on of experience, e.g. within the framework of a preparatory course or in exchange with experienced colleagues. Incidentally, there is a focus on the legal topics of the 34a professional qualification examination. Topics such as criminal law or civil law are Weighted twice in the written examination. One should not leave any points lying around lightly by understanding the legal matter here, not to mention the risks of legal ignorance when later working in the security service.
Understanding the contents of the examination
Exam candidates should engage intensively with the content of the exam and try to gain a deeper understanding. They should not only deal with the facts, but also with the contexts and the meaning of what they have learned. One way to do this is to talk to other people who are also preparing for the exam or are already working in the industry. Practical experience can also help to deepen understanding and apply what has been learned. Generally recommended are Books, online courses and classroom trainingThe course is designed to provide a context and not to work exclusively with test questions and solutions. Explanations based on case studies can make a significant contribution to understanding, especially legal topics.
In summary, it does not make sense to just memorise all possible exam questions and answers without delving deeper into the content of the exam. Instead, candidates should deal intensively with the contents of the exam and try to gain a deeper understanding. This can help them not only to pass the exam but also to be able to apply their knowledge in practice and to work successfully in the private security industry.