Examination of expertise — why? Just buy the 34a licence…

You don’t feel like taking the exam and preparing for it, you’ve already failed the Chamber of Industry and Commerce’s expert knowledge exam several times or you just want to save time and money — all of these can be reasons why people keep looking for “buy a 34a licence”. This article explains why this is not a particularly good idea.
Can you actually buy the “34a note”?
A short Google search it shows: Yes, you can buy a piece of paper that looks like it is an official document of a chamber of commerce and industry. But be careful! If you use such fake examination certificates, you are liable to prosecution.
What you are allowed to do is hang such a piece of fantasy paper in your own hallway for amusement or use it as a lighter for the next barbecue party. However, if you use such a piece of paper in legal transactions, i.e. in the context of a job application or to register your security company, you commit forgery according to Section 267 of the Criminal Code:
(1) Any person who, for the purpose of deceiving in legal transactions, produces a false document, falsifies a genuine document or uses a false or falsified document shall be liable to a custodial sentence not exceeding five years or to a monetary penalty.
(2) The attempt is punishable.
(3) In particularly serious cases, the penalty shall be imprisonment for a term of six months to ten years. […]
The providers of such dubious services also know that offering IHK examination certificates, school-leaving certificates and other certificates, including doctorates, is legally questionable. They are mainly interested in making money quickly. The providers are usually based abroad or are not available and thus avoid legal disputes. This is because sellers may also be liable to prosecution because they use trademarks and thus legally protected identifying features (e.g. the logo) of the issuing organisations. In addition, some sellers even deliberately create the impression that it is a legally issued document and at the same time advertise that one may use these fake documents in legal transactions. Thus, the sellers often also pretend false facts and thus partly also call, at least indirectly, to use the sold fake like a real document. As a buyer, you can always be prosecuted and make yourself liable to prosecution if you actually use such a fantasy document professionally.
Where can I buy the certificate of competence?
The only legal way to obtain the “certificate of successful completion of a specialist knowledge examination” (this is the correct term) is to successfully complete the IHK specialist knowledge examination. You can find many free Tips for exam preparation, Test questions and a Help forum on this website. By the way, taking the real exam can even be cheaper than some of the illegal fake certificate offers.
Honesty is the best policy! Don’t get involved in fake offers with fake proofs! It’s not worth it, because you will be exposed. And for the price you then pay, you could have prepared properly for the exam and passed it quite regularly.
What does a forged certificate of competence cost?
Prices start at just under 10 euros for a personalised fake certificate for direct PDF download.
Possibly the tip of the iceberg is a provider offering all kinds of examination certificates and degrees — including various professional qualifications, school-leaving certificates, bachelor’s and master’s degrees from colleges, university diplomas and even doctorates. Such printed papers are available for a “ridiculous price” of several hundred euros — apparently a worthwhile business. He also promotes the offer commercially through an advertisement on Google, which appears at the top of the results page for the relevant search terms — see illustration below. This fraudulent trader even advertises that it is a legal offer and “100% genuine and registered documents, which can be checked by the university/training company, or even by your employer”. complete bullshit!
Why it’s really stupid to present a forged 34a certificate.…
Just a few years ago, one would have considered a factualunThe only way that a knowledgeable security employee could have been lucky is if the forged certificate had not been noticed during the application process, during a customs or police check or in the course of an enquiry with the examining Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK). But since 1 June 2019, there is the central guard register, where all data converge. Your employer must report you there before you start employment and wait for clearance. Only then will you receive a guard ID as a security guard and be allowed to start. In the course of this check and data comparison, it quickly becomes apparent if you have submitted a false document. You bear the full consequences under criminal and civil law!Rather invest in the real thing Examination of expert knowledge at the IHK. Inform yourself free of charge here in the Infoportal.