These are the advantages of learning with exam questions for the 34a exam

Learning with exam questions is a proven method used by many students to improve their understanding and knowledge of certain topics.
Why 34a preparation with exam questions makes sense
When answering exam questions, you get feedback on how well you have understood the material and can work specifically on the difficult parts to improve your knowledge. You can identify gaps in your understanding and target them. Through regular feedback, you can ensure that you are continuously improving and track your progress.
Another advantage of learning with exam questions is the deeper engagement with the learning content. When answering exam questions, one has to deal with the content more intensively and make connections between different topics. By delving deeper into the information, one can gain a deeper understanding of the topic. By repeating and applying the information, memory is improved. When you study a topic intensively and actively apply what you have learned, it sticks better in your memory.
Exam questions also focus attention on the most important aspects of the learning material and help to eliminate irrelevant information. By focusing on relevant information, the brain is better able to absorb and process it. This leads to a better understanding of the learning material.
One of the most important benefits of learning with exam questions is the simulation of an exam situation. This can also help to reduce exam anxiety. Exam anxiety can be a significant barrier to learning, as it can cause you to perform worse than you actually could. By practising exam questions, you can become more attuned to the type of questions and the exam process. This can help reduce exam anxiety and boost confidence.
Other advantages of learning with exam questions
- More effective time management: By practising exam questions, you can better estimate how much time you need for certain questions. This helps you to manage your time more effectively during an exam.
- Increased motivation: Practising exam questions regularly and noticing that you are making progress can increase your motivation. You feel better prepared and motivated to apply what you have learned.
- Improved error analysis: When you answer exam questions, you learn to analyse your mistakes more closely, to understand what concepts or subject areas you did not fully understand. This can help you to work on these areas more specifically.
- Improved exam results: By studying with exam questions, you can go into an exam better prepared. You already know the type of questions and the exam process, so you are less stressed. This can help you achieve better exam results.
Overall, learning with exam questions offers many advantages. It helps to improve the understanding of learning content, strengthen memory and reduce the fear of exams. Through regular feedback and targeted practice, you can work specifically on the difficult parts and track your progress. Learning with exam questions is an effective way to prepare for exams and succeed. Preparing for the exam with exam questions is therefore an important factor in successfully passing the IHK exam. Why memorising alone is not necessarily enough to pass the 34a exam, learn more in this blog post.