Passing the expert examination according to § 34a Gewo despite the Corona crisis

In the past months, the examinations according to § 34a GewO (guarding) were cancelled due to the Corona crisis (COVID-19). Now the examinations will take place again at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce (IHK). For all those who registered in time or whose date was postponed, the written examination will take place tomorrow, 18 June 2020. Special regulations currently apply in many places for taking the exam, e.g.:
- you are only allowed to participate if you do not show any symptoms of a cold
- one must not have had contact with persons with corona infection within 14 days
- you have to keep a minimum distance (usually 1.5 metres) from others
- there is a general obligation to wear a mouth-nose mask
- one should also not form groups before and after the event
- if you have to cough or sneeze, then in the crook of your arm
- one should pay attention to hygiene (e.g. use hand disinfection)
- Handshakes and personal contact should be avoided
You can find out exactly which regulations apply on the letter from the IHK for the examination or also on the website of the respective IHK.
To all those taking the exam tomorrow, I wish you every success!
PS: If your exam, which should have taken place in April, for example, has been cancelled without replacement, you must register for a new date!
Due to the current high demand, you should register early for the exam. As minimum distances have to be observed, the already scarce places are even more limited. You can find all exam dates at