COVID-19 update — IHK specialist knowledge examination

In April 2021, in the blog post “Are there currently any examinations at the Chamber of Industry and Commerce because of Corona?” about the current state of affairs at that time regarding the implementation of IHK professional examinations. For a while, exams were cancelled or postponed. A strict hygiene regime applied.
After the back and forth of politics regarding covid protection measures and different rules, some of which were difficult to comprehend factually, a large part of the previous requirements have now been repealed in most federal states.
- In principle, masks are no longer compulsory. However, it is recommended to carry an FFP‑2 mask.
- Wearing at least a medical face mask during the examination is recommended, but is usually no longer compulsory.
- Proof of testing, vaccination or convalescence is generally no longer required. (= no 3G requirement)
If you have tested positive for SARS-CoV‑2 and your examination date is coming up, it is best to enquire at the responsible IHK about the currently possible course of action. It is conceivable to withdraw from the exam and take it again at a later date or — depending on the federal state — to take it under certain protective measures.
Note: All information is without guarantee (as of 20.11.2022). Please note the current requirements of the examining IHK or the federal state!