Voucher code: 10% Discount on Sachkunde preparation with Sachkun.de

The learning platform Sachkun.de is one of the best-known online offers for 34a preparation. The platform with e‑learning, test questions, mock exams and online help has been around since 2005, and more than 10,000 people have used it to prepare online for the 34a examination.
New: Sachkun.de 2.0
Recently, eLearning at www.sachkun.de was completely redesigned. More than 1,000 exam-related test questions, goal-oriented learning texts, instructional videos and even weekly live online seminars now await learners. The 34a preparation is available in three different versions: Classic, Pro and VIP. Those who book VIP also have access to a WhatsApp group in which they can ask questions and exchange information with other Sachkunde learners. What is new is that the preparation now runs completely via a convenient mobile phone app in which you can learn with 34a questions around the clock, i.e. 24/7 — depending on the tariff for 30, 60 or even 100 days.
Coupon code for www.sachkun.de
With the voucher code SK10YT you currently get 10% Discount on all tariffs.
Click here to go directly to the Offer on www.sachkun.de.
About Sachkun.de expertise preparation
Sachkun.de is certainly not the cheapest provider on the market, but it has proven itself for years. The positive reviews on the net speak for the quality of the platform. This is also ensured by the qualifications of the operators of the 34a learning platform around Jörg Zitzmann. It should also be noted that the exam-related questions and condensed learning texts make it possible to prepare for the IHK exam very efficiently, i.e. in a particularly time-saving manner. If questions of understanding remain unanswered, a lecturer is available — depending on the tariff — in the weekly video session or additionally also in the WhatsApp 34a learning group. This ensures that participants’ questions are always answered — as in a face-to-face course — and that all content is understood. With prices roughly between 1.80 and 3.00 euros per day (as of 5 March 2023), the price-performance ratio is very reasonable. The money-back guarantee, which takes effect if you fail the 34a exam several times despite preparation, also contributes to security.
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