Expertise info page: Everything new!

Hello to all those interested in expertise!
As of today, the information page on the subject has a new look. The site has been completely redesigned graphically and is now also easy to use on smartphones! In addition, the range of services has been expanded. Ask your question in the Forum or use the Page searchif you need information on a specific subject.
News always in the blog
Also new is the weblog where you are currently reading this post. I will inform you here in short articles whenever there is news about the 34a examination or other security topics!
About me
My name is Hannes Fichtel, I am an examiner in various examination boards in the field of protection & security at the IHK. I have been working in private security since 2006. Starting with the instruction according to § 34a GewO and the training as a specialist for protection and security, I have developed further via the advanced training as a master for protection and security (IHK) up to the bachelor and master studies in the security industry. I run the expertise infoportal and am happy to answer any questions you may have!