Exam dates

When do the exami­na­ti­ons take place?

In prin­ci­ple, the dates on which the writ­ten exami­na­ti­on is held are the same throug­hout the coun­try. on the 3rd Thurs­day of each month. Plea­se note that your exami­na­ti­on regis­tra­ti­on must be recei­ved by the IHK at least three weeks in advan­ce (see regis­tra­ti­on) and also the exami­na­ti­on fees must have been paid in order to be allo­wed to take part in the exami­na­ti­on day.
The second, oral part of the exami­na­ti­on takes place on the same day, the fol­lo­wing day or on ano­ther day up to a maxi­mum of two weeks after the writ­ten test. You will only be admit­ted to this if you have scored at least 50 points in the writ­ten test. You will be infor­med in advan­ce by the Cham­ber of Indus­try and Com­mer­ce about the date of the oral exami­na­ti­on. As a rule, you will recei­ve a sepa­ra­te cer­ti­fi­ca­te con­fir­ming that you have pas­sed the writ­ten part of the exami­na­ti­on, which you must pre­sent at the oral examination.

Can dates differ?

Yes! The­re may be calen­dar-rela­ted post­po­ne­ments, for exam­p­le if the 3rd Thurs­day falls on a public holi­day. In this case, the exami­na­ti­on will excep­tio­nal­ly take place on the 4th Thurs­day of the month con­cer­ned. In Decem­ber, the exami­na­ti­on is always held on the 2nd Thursday.
In indi­vi­du­al cases, the­re may be fur­ther devia­ti­ons and post­po­ne­ments, espe­ci­al­ly if dates have to be can­cel­led by the Cham­ber of Indus­try and Com­mer­ce (e.g. due to low num­bers of par­ti­ci­pan­ts or becau­se exami­ners are absent). In spe­cial situa­tions, indi­vi­du­al or all cham­bers of indus­try and com­mer­ce may can­cel or post­po­ne exami­na­ti­on dates (e.g. during the Coro­na pan­de­mic). It is the­r­e­fo­re essen­ti­al to check the web­site of the respec­ti­ve cham­ber of indus­try and com­mer­ce, ide­al­ly also the day befo­re in the case of spe­cial situations!

Lar­ge cham­bers of indus­try and com­mer­ce (IHKs) such as the IHK Ber­lin Due to the high demand, some cham­bers now even offer the exami­na­ti­on seve­ral times a month with the help of a PC. The dif­fe­rent dates for the writ­ten and oral 34a exami­na­ti­ons can usual­ly be found direct­ly on the web­site of the respec­ti­ve chamber.

When exact­ly are the next dates?

We have iden­ti­fied the fol­lo­wing dates for you:

All dates are wit­hout guarantee.
Plea­se ask your cham­ber for a bin­ding exami­na­ti­on date!

What is the pro­ce­du­re for the expert know­ledge exami­na­ti­on? You will find out what to expect on the day of the exami­na­ti­on for the expert know­ledge 34a in the next section.


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Exclu­si­ve tips on how to pass the exam easily

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