{"id":171,"date":"2020-04-07T15:17:00","date_gmt":"2020-04-07T13:17:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.sachkunde-34a.de\/wordpress\/?page_id=171"},"modified":"2020-04-24T11:18:26","modified_gmt":"2020-04-24T09:18:26","slug":"34a-schein-jobs","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/www.sachkunde-34a.de\/en\/34a-note-jobs\/","title":{"rendered":"Pro\u00adfes\u00adsio\u00adnal reasons"},"content":{"rendered":"
Suc\u00adcessful com\u00adple\u00adti\u00adon of the expert know\u00adledge exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon repres\u00adents the first real level of qua\u00adli\u00adfi\u00adca\u00adti\u00adon in the secu\u00adri\u00adty indus\u00adtry. With the cer\u00adti\u00adfi\u00adca\u00adte of com\u00adpe\u00adtence, you recei\u00adve a reco\u00adg\u00adnis\u00aded cer\u00adti\u00adfi\u00adca\u00adte from the Cham\u00adber of Indus\u00adtry and Com\u00admer\u00adce (IHK) and are hence\u00adforth acti\u00adve as an IHK-cer\u00adti\u00adfied secu\u00adri\u00adty employee.
\nOnce you have pas\u00adsed the exam, you can be sure that you have the neces\u00adsa\u00adry tools at hand. Of cour\u00adse, many things will also come with pro\u00adfes\u00adsio\u00adnal prac\u00adti\u00adce, but espe\u00adci\u00adal\u00adly in legal terms you should defi\u00adni\u00adte\u00adly not let any uncer\u00adtain\u00adties ari\u00adse right from the start!<\/p>\n
Cle\u00adar\u00adly, the secu\u00adri\u00adty indus\u00adtry is not always easy. Shift work, duty on public holi\u00addays, at weekends or when the others are asleep. But bes\u00adi\u00addes this down\u00adsi\u00adde, the job also offers many oppor\u00adtu\u00adni\u00adties and varie\u00adty. The secu\u00adri\u00adty sec\u00adtor is diver\u00adse (pat\u00adrol ser\u00advices, events, recep\u00adti\u00adon, money and value trans\u00adport, alarm recep\u00adti\u00adon cen\u00adtres, fac\u00adto\u00adry secu\u00adri\u00adty,\u2026) and, depen\u00adding on the job, some\u00adti\u00admes also offers quite good ear\u00adning oppor\u00adtu\u00adni\u00adties. In par\u00adti\u00adcu\u00adlar, you should not dis\u00adre\u00adgard the remu\u00adne\u00adra\u00adti\u00adon (bonu\u00adses) that are fixed by law! If you are curr\u00adent\u00adly loo\u00adking for a job, taking the Cham\u00adber of Indus\u00adtry and Com\u00admer\u00adce (IHK) exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon can be a very good step into the world of work. The job offer for qua\u00adli\u00adfied employees is curr\u00adent\u00adly very good \u2014 espe\u00adci\u00adal\u00adly in the metro\u00adpo\u00adli\u00adtan are\u00adas, secu\u00adri\u00adty guards are in high demand.
\nDepen\u00adding on your cur\u00adrent pro\u00adfes\u00adsio\u00adnal situa\u00adti\u00adon, the\u00adre are various ways to get fun\u00adding for the exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon and\/or a pre\u00adpa\u00adra\u00adto\u00adry cour\u00adse for exper\u00adti\u00adse \u00a7 34a.<\/p>\n
Tip: <\/strong>If you are loo\u00adking for a job or are about to chan\u00adge jobs, some\u00adti\u00admes pri\u00adva\u00adte job agen\u00adci\u00ades or the new employ\u00ader will cover the cos\u00adts of fur\u00adther qua\u00adli\u00adfi\u00adca\u00adti\u00adon as a com\u00adpe\u00adtent secu\u00adri\u00adty guard. It does\u00adn\u2019t cost any\u00adthing to ask!<\/p>\n Then it will pro\u00adba\u00adb\u00adly be a litt\u00adle bit easier for you to pass the expert know\u00adledge exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon. This is becau\u00adse you alre\u00ada\u00addy have know\u00adledge and expe\u00adri\u00adence from the trai\u00adning pro\u00adce\u00addu\u00adre as well as from prac\u00adti\u00adcal expe\u00adri\u00adence. It is often the case that secu\u00adri\u00adty ser\u00advice employees with trai\u00adning in accordance with \u00a734a (as an ent\u00adry requi\u00adre\u00adment) are to take on fur\u00adther or more qua\u00adli\u00adfied acti\u00advi\u00adties in the future. If you are con\u00adside\u00adring a job as a boun\u00adcer, a secu\u00adri\u00adty guard in the public sec\u00adtor or a shop detec\u00adti\u00adve, you will not be able to avo\u00adid the qua\u00adli\u00adfi\u00adca\u00adti\u00adon test (or an even hig\u00adher qua\u00adli\u00adfi\u00adca\u00adti\u00adon) any\u00adway. The same appli\u00ades to acti\u00advi\u00adties in a mana\u00adge\u00adri\u00adal posi\u00adti\u00adon (e.g. as an ope\u00adra\u00adti\u00adons or pro\u00adper\u00adty mana\u00adger) in the con\u00adtext of guar\u00adding refu\u00adgee and asyl\u00adum accom\u00admo\u00adda\u00adti\u00adon and guar\u00adding lar\u00adge events with pro\u00adtec\u00adted access. But also for other high-respon\u00adsi\u00adbi\u00adli\u00adty acti\u00advi\u00adties, the qua\u00adli\u00adfi\u00adca\u00adti\u00adon test accor\u00adding to \u00a734a GewO is incre\u00adasing\u00adly deman\u00added by the cli\u00adent as a mini\u00admum qua\u00adli\u00adfi\u00adca\u00adti\u00adon \u2014 often as a qua\u00adli\u00adty fea\u00adture, even if the\u00adre is no legal obli\u00adga\u00adti\u00adon to do so (e.g. when working in the field of secu\u00adri\u00adty and pro\u00adper\u00adty pro\u00adtec\u00adtion, in secu\u00adri\u00adty cen\u00adtres, as a team lea\u00adder, etc.).<\/p>\n \u201cNot\u00adhing ven\u00adtu\u00adred, not\u00adhing gai\u00adned\u201d could be the mot\u00adto. The fact is, the secu\u00adri\u00adty indus\u00adtry is high\u00adly com\u00adpe\u00adti\u00adti\u00adve. The pro\u00adfit mar\u00adgins are often small. But with the right idea and a sound con\u00adcept, per\u00adse\u00adver\u00adance and the neces\u00adsa\u00adry finan\u00adcial resour\u00adces, any\u00adthing is pos\u00adsi\u00adble! The secu\u00adri\u00adty indus\u00adtry is an indus\u00adtry of the future. Recent\u00adly, the mar\u00adket has boo\u00admed espe\u00adci\u00adal\u00adly in the guar\u00adding of refu\u00adgee accom\u00admo\u00adda\u00adti\u00adon and asyl\u00adum see\u00adkers\u2019 homes, but also in many other are\u00adas such as retail (super\u00admar\u00adket guar\u00adding). Beco\u00adme your own boss in the guard and secu\u00adri\u00adty indus\u00adtry. The com\u00adpul\u00adso\u00adry requi\u00adre\u00adment accor\u00adding to \u00a7 34a of the Trade, Com\u00admer\u00adce and Indus\u00adtry Regu\u00adla\u00adti\u00adon Act (Gewer\u00adbe\u00adord\u00adnung) is the suc\u00adcessful par\u00adti\u00adci\u00adpa\u00adti\u00adon in the expert know\u00adledge exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon. (Sin\u00adce Decem\u00adber 2016, a cour\u00adse of at least 80 tea\u00adching units is no lon\u00adger suf\u00adfi\u00adci\u00adent to beco\u00adme self-employ\u00aded in the secu\u00adri\u00adty indus\u00adtry). Of cour\u00adse, self-employ\u00adment must be tho\u00adrough\u00adly thought through and many more steps must be taken into account when set\u00adting up a busi\u00adness. As a (future) mana\u00adging direc\u00adtor of a secu\u00adri\u00adty com\u00adpa\u00adny, you will also be flaw\u00adless\u00adly scree\u00adned and must not have any\u00adthing on your record. Apart from being a pro\u00adfes\u00adsio\u00adnal decis\u00adi\u00adon, self-employ\u00adment is also a very per\u00adso\u00adnal one. You have to be an entre\u00adpre\u00adneu\u00adri\u00adal type to stand your ground and should have in-depth pro\u00adfes\u00adsio\u00adnal know\u00adledge as well as social and lea\u00adder\u00adship skills.<\/p>\n
\nTaking on new activities<\/h2>\n
You are alre\u00ada\u00addy an employee with Infor\u00adma\u00adti\u00adon<\/u> work in a secu\u00adri\u00adty com\u00adpa\u00adny accor\u00adding to \u00a7 34a GewO?<\/h3>\n
What fun\u00adding oppor\u00adtu\u00adni\u00adties are there?<\/h4>\n
\nIf you are alre\u00ada\u00addy in a per\u00adma\u00adnent job and you will be assi\u00adgned tasks in the future for which the exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon is man\u00adda\u00adto\u00adry, your employ\u00ader should also cover the cos\u00adts. Secu\u00adri\u00adty com\u00adpa\u00adnies often offer the cour\u00adses them\u00adsel\u00adves. If the com\u00adpa\u00adny does not have sui\u00adta\u00adb\u00adly qua\u00adli\u00adfied per\u00adson\u00adnel available for trai\u00adning, it is pos\u00adsi\u00adble to book com\u00adpa\u00adny semi\u00adnars (usual\u00adly direct\u00adly \u201cin-house\u201d, i.e. on the company\u2019s own pre\u00admi\u00adses) at secu\u00adri\u00adty schools. The advan\u00adta\u00adge lies in the lower cos\u00adts com\u00adpared to when each employee would regis\u00adter for a semi\u00adnar on their own. In addi\u00adti\u00adon, this approach has tax advan\u00adta\u00adges for secu\u00adri\u00adty com\u00adpa\u00adnies. In the mean\u00adti\u00adme, howe\u00adver, the\u00adre are also effi\u00adci\u00adent pos\u00adsi\u00adbi\u00adli\u00adties for online trai\u00adning; here, the qua\u00adli\u00adfi\u00adca\u00adti\u00adon mea\u00adsu\u00adre can be car\u00adri\u00aded out fle\u00adxi\u00adbly in terms of time and at extre\u00adme\u00adly low cost, during ongo\u00ading busi\u00adness ope\u00adra\u00adti\u00adons. Ide\u00adal\u00adly, this can be done \u201con the side\u201d, wit\u00adhout having to give an employee extra time off.<\/li>\n
\nAs an employee, you will not always be able to avo\u00adid having to cover the cos\u00adts of pre\u00adpa\u00adra\u00adti\u00adon and exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon yours\u00adelf. Espe\u00adci\u00adal\u00adly if you want to advan\u00adce pro\u00adfes\u00adsio\u00adnal\u00adly, cour\u00adse and exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon fees can be an excel\u00adlent invest\u00adment in your own future. Howe\u00adver, be sure to talk to your employ\u00ader about whe\u00adther you can at least recei\u00adve a sub\u00ads\u00adidy. After all, the com\u00adpa\u00adny also bene\u00adfits from your expan\u00added know\u00adledge. Com\u00adpared to face-to-face cour\u00adses, i.e. les\u00adsons on site, you can of cour\u00adse save a lot of money in self-stu\u00addy. Howe\u00adver, make sure that you pass the exam at the first attempt and that the exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon fees you have paid twice and three times do not put a spo\u00adke in your wheel. Here, too, spe\u00adcia\u00adlist lite\u00adra\u00adtu\u00adre and online lear\u00adning pro\u00adgram\u00admes with cor\u00adre\u00adspon\u00adding lear\u00adning objec\u00adti\u00adve checks are extre\u00adme\u00adly helpful!<\/li>\n<\/ul>\n
\nCom\u00adpa\u00adny foun\u00adda\u00adti\u00adon and own boss of a secu\u00adri\u00adty company<\/h2>\n