{"id":461,"date":"2020-04-17T04:01:00","date_gmt":"2020-04-17T02:01:00","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.sachkunde-34a.de\/wordpress\/?page_id=461"},"modified":"2021-03-29T13:03:33","modified_gmt":"2021-03-29T11:03:33","slug":"pruefungsfragen-34a-sachkunde","status":"publish","type":"page","link":"https:\/\/www.sachkunde-34a.de\/en\/exam-questions-34a-expertise\/","title":{"rendered":"Topics & Contents"},"content":{"rendered":"

Exam mate\u00adri\u00adal<\/h3>\n<\/div>\n\n

What do I need to know for the exam?<\/h2>\n

The con\u00adtents of the exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon result from \u00a7 7 i.V.m. Annex 2 and \u00a7 9 of the Guar\u00adding Ordi\u00adnan\u00adce (BewachV).
\nAccor\u00addin\u00adgly, the fol\u00adlo\u00adwing sub\u00adject are\u00adas are the sub\u00adject of the exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon (requi\u00adre\u00adments):<\/p>\n

  1. Law of public safe\u00adty and order inclu\u00adding trade law<\/li>\n
  2. Data pro\u00adtec\u00adtion law<\/li>\n
  3. Civil Code<\/li>\n
  4. Cri\u00admi\u00adnal law and cri\u00admi\u00adnal pro\u00adce\u00addu\u00adre, hand\u00adling weapons<\/li>\n
  5. Acci\u00addent Pre\u00adven\u00adti\u00adon Regu\u00adla\u00adti\u00adons for Secu\u00adri\u00adty and Safe\u00adty Services<\/li>\n
  6. Deal\u00ading with peo\u00adp\u00adle, espe\u00adci\u00adal\u00adly beha\u00adviour in dan\u00adge\u00adrous situa\u00adtions and de-escala\u00adti\u00adon tech\u00adni\u00adques in con\u00adflict situa\u00adtions as well as inter\u00adcul\u00adtu\u00adral com\u00adpe\u00adtence with spe\u00adcial atten\u00adti\u00adon to diver\u00adsi\u00adty and social variety<\/li>\n
  7. Basic prin\u00adci\u00adples of safe\u00adty engineering<\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

    The con\u00adtents may be more detail\u00aded or sub\u00addi\u00advi\u00added dif\u00adfer\u00adent\u00adly in the cur\u00adri\u00adcu\u00adla of the CET pro\u00advi\u00adders or in rele\u00advant spe\u00adcia\u00adlist lite\u00adra\u00adtu\u00adre, but must include all the abo\u00adve-men\u00adtio\u00adned topics.<\/p>\n

    Ans\u00adwer test ques\u00adti\u00adons now\u2026<\/a><\/p>\n


    What exact\u00adly will be cover\u00aded in the writ\u00adten exam?<\/h2>\n

    From time to time, the Cham\u00adber of Indus\u00adtry and Com\u00admer\u00adce con\u00adve\u00adnes an \u201cexami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon pre\u00adpa\u00adra\u00adti\u00adon com\u00admit\u00adtee\u201d. This com\u00admit\u00adtee crea\u00adtes ques\u00adti\u00adons that end up in a pool that all the indi\u00advi\u00addu\u00adal cham\u00adbers of indus\u00adtry and com\u00admer\u00adce nati\u00adon\u00adwi\u00adde draw on. Sin\u00adce the ques\u00adti\u00adon cata\u00adlo\u00adgue is con\u00adstant\u00adly being expan\u00added, the\u00adre are hundreds, if not thou\u00adsands of ques\u00adti\u00adons in it. The ques\u00adti\u00adons are not made public. Fur\u00adther\u00admo\u00adre, the copy\u00adright to the\u00adse ques\u00adti\u00adons is held sole\u00adly by the (D)IHK. The ori\u00adgi\u00adnal ques\u00adti\u00adons may the\u00adr\u00ade\u00adfo\u00adre not be published 1:1 and used for pre\u00adpa\u00adra\u00adti\u00adon. And even so, it is hard\u00adly pos\u00adsi\u00adble and cer\u00adtain\u00adly not sen\u00adsi\u00adble to learn ever\u00ady\u00adthing by heart. It is the \u201cunder\u00adstan\u00adding\u201d that counts!
    \nSin\u00adce the exam ques\u00adti\u00adons are some\u00adti\u00admes quite \u201ctri\u00adcky\u201d, it makes sen\u00adse to prac\u00adti\u00adse with exam-like ques\u00adti\u00adons in advan\u00adce. As far as the ques\u00adti\u00adons and ans\u00adwer opti\u00adons are con\u00adcer\u00adned, you can also use the
    Lear\u00adning tips in the chap\u00adter Pre\u00adpa\u00adra\u00adti\u00adon<\/a> help on!<\/p>\n


    Are all ques\u00adti\u00adons weigh\u00adted equally?<\/h2>\n

    No! The mar\u00adking in the writ\u00adten exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon is dif\u00adfe\u00adrent. For exam\u00adp\u00adle, cer\u00adtain chap\u00adters are weigh\u00adted more hea\u00advi\u00adly than others. The num\u00adber of ques\u00adti\u00adons per exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon topic is also different!
    \nThe num\u00adber of ques\u00adti\u00adons and weight\u00ading in the writ\u00adten exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon is as follows:<\/p>\n

    1. Law of public safe\u00adty and order
      \n\u201d 4 ques\u00adti\u00adons with 8 points to be achieved<\/strong><\/li>\n
    2. Trade Law
      \n\u201d 4 ques\u00adti\u00adons with 4 points to be achieved<\/strong><\/li>\n
    3. Data pro\u00adtec\u00adtion law
      \n\u201d 4 ques\u00adti\u00adons with 4 points to be achieved<\/strong><\/li>\n
    4. Civil Code
      \n\u201d 12 ques\u00adti\u00adons with 24 points to be achieved<\/strong><\/li>\n
    5. Cri\u00admi\u00adnal law and cri\u00admi\u00adnal procedure
      \n\u201d 12 ques\u00adti\u00adons with 24 points to be achieved<\/strong><\/li>\n
    6. Hand\u00adling weapons
      \n\u201d 4 ques\u00adti\u00adons with 4 points to be achieved<\/strong><\/li>\n
    7. Acci\u00addent pre\u00adven\u00adti\u00adon regu\u00adla\u00adti\u00adons for guard and secu\u00adri\u00adty services
      \n\u201d 8 ques\u00adti\u00adons with 8 points to be achieved<\/strong><\/li>\n
    8. Deal\u00ading with people
      \n\u201d 16 ques\u00adti\u00adons with 16 points to be achieved<\/strong><\/li>\n
    9. Basic prin\u00adci\u00adples of safe\u00adty engineering
      \n\u201d 8 ques\u00adti\u00adons with 8 points to be achieved<\/strong><\/li>\n<\/ol>\n

      What will I be asked in the oral examination?<\/h2>\n

      In prin\u00adci\u00adple, all topics that can be cover\u00aded in the writ\u00adten exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon are also rele\u00advant for the oral part of the exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon. Howe\u00adver, the\u00adre are focal points which should be dealt with more inten\u00adsi\u00adve\u00adly in the oral examination:<\/p>\n