The con\u00adcre\u00adte design of the cer\u00adti\u00adfi\u00adca\u00adte is left to the respec\u00adti\u00adve IHK. Howe\u00adver, cer\u00adtain for\u00admal cri\u00adte\u00adria must be met. The essen\u00adti\u00adal com\u00adpon\u00adents of the cer\u00adti\u00adfi\u00adca\u00adte of com\u00adpe\u00adtence are laid down in the Guar\u00adding Ordi\u00adnan\u00adce (BewachV), name\u00adly quite spe\u00adci\u00adfi\u00adcal\u00adly in Annex 3 (to \u00a7 11 para\u00adgraph 7) with the title \u201cCer\u00adti\u00adfi\u00adca\u00adte of suc\u00adcessful com\u00adple\u00adti\u00adon of an expert exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon pur\u00adsu\u00adant to Sec\u00adtion 34a (1) sen\u00adtence 3 num\u00adber 3 and (1a) sen\u00adtence 2 of the Trade, Com\u00admer\u00adce and Indus\u00adtry Regu\u00adla\u00adti\u00adon Act (Gewer\u00adbe\u00adord\u00adnung)<\/a>\u201e. \nMs Maxi\u00admi\u00adlia\u00adne Sam\u00adple Woman [Stamp\/Seal] The fol\u00adlo\u00adwing cer\u00adti\u00adfi\u00adca\u00adte was pro\u00advi\u00added to us by an exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon par\u00adti\u00adci\u00adpant from Nurem\u00adberg. For secu\u00adri\u00adty reasons, we have made the per\u00adso\u00adnal data and the signa\u00adtu\u00adre unrecognisable:<\/p>\n At this point we would like to issue a clear war\u00adning: It hap\u00adpens again and again that peo\u00adp\u00adle fal\u00adsi\u00adfy such cer\u00adti\u00adfi\u00adca\u00adtes of com\u00adpe\u00adtence or have fal\u00adse cer\u00adti\u00adfi\u00adca\u00adtes issued by dubio\u00adus pro\u00advi\u00adders. Don\u2019t do that!<\/strong> In the next chap\u00adter, you will find a sum\u00adma\u00adry of the rele\u00advant legal requi\u00adre\u00adments from \u00a7 34a of the Trade, Com\u00admer\u00adce and Indus\u00adtry Regu\u00adla\u00adti\u00adon Act (GewO) and the Guar\u00adding Ordi\u00adnan\u00adce (BewachV).<\/p>\n
\nborn on 01.04.1987 in Musterstadt
\nResi\u00addent at 12345 Bei\u00adspiel\u00addorf, Mus\u00adter\u00adstra\u00ad\u00dfe 1
\nhas 20.02.2020
\nbefo\u00adre the Cham\u00adber of Indus\u00adtry and Com\u00admer\u00adce in Musterhausen
\nsuc\u00adcessful\u00adly pas\u00adsed the exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon of com\u00adpe\u00adtence for the exer\u00adcise of the guard and secu\u00adri\u00adty trade.
\nThe audit cover\u00aded in par\u00adti\u00adcu\u00adlar the tech\u00adni\u00adcal duties and powers of the fol\u00adlo\u00adwing sub\u00adject areas:
\n1. public safe\u00adty and order law, inclu\u00adding trade law,
\n2. data pro\u00adtec\u00adtion law,
\n3rd Civil Code,
\n4. cri\u00admi\u00adnal law and cri\u00admi\u00adnal pro\u00adce\u00addu\u00adre, hand\u00adling of weapons,
\n5. acci\u00addent pre\u00adven\u00adti\u00adon regu\u00adla\u00adti\u00adon for guard and secu\u00adri\u00adty services,
\n6. deal\u00ading with peo\u00adp\u00adle, espe\u00adci\u00adal\u00adly beha\u00adviour in dan\u00adge\u00adrous situa\u00adtions and de-escala\u00adti\u00adon tech\u00adni\u00adques in con\u00adflict situa\u00adtions as well as inter\u00adcul\u00adtu\u00adral com\u00adpe\u00adtence with spe\u00adcial atten\u00adti\u00adon to diver\u00adsi\u00adty and social diversity,
\n7. basic prin\u00adci\u00adples of safe\u00adty engineering.<\/p>\n
\n[Place and date]
\nSam\u00adple certificate<\/h2>\n
\nWar\u00adning against fake cer\u00adti\u00adfi\u00adca\u00adtes (for\u00adge\u00adries)<\/h2>\n
\nYou are lia\u00adble to pro\u00adse\u00adcu\u00adti\u00adon accor\u00adding to \u00a7 267 StGB (Ger\u00adman Penal Code) (for\u00adgery of docu\u00adments) if you use such a for\u00adged docu\u00adment in legal tran\u00adsac\u00adtions (e.g. for pre\u00adsen\u00adta\u00adti\u00adon to an employ\u00ader or a public aut\u00adho\u00adri\u00adty)! In addi\u00adti\u00adon, the fraud will be dis\u00adco\u00adver\u00aded quick\u00adly when you compa\u00adre it with the regis\u00adter of guards! So save yours\u00adelf the trou\u00adble and take the exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon at the IHK honest\u00adly and pro\u00adper\u00adly. The effort is manageable.<\/p>\n