For the per\u00adfor\u00admance of the fol\u00adlo\u00adwing acti\u00advi\u00adties, in addi\u00adti\u00adon to the requi\u00adre\u00adments of sen\u00adtence 1 num\u00adber 1, pro\u00adof of an expert know\u00adledge exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon suc\u00adcessful\u00adly pas\u00adsed befo\u00adre the Cham\u00adber of Indus\u00adtry and Com\u00admer\u00adce is required: \n1. pat\u00adrols in the public traf\u00adfic area or in house right are\u00adas with actu\u00adal public traffic, \n2. pro\u00adtec\u00adtion from shoplifters, \n3. guar\u00adding the ent\u00adrance area of dis\u00adco\u00adthe\u00adques in the hos\u00adpi\u00adta\u00adli\u00adty industry, \n4. guar\u00adding recep\u00adti\u00adon faci\u00adli\u00adties pur\u00adsu\u00adant to sec\u00adtion 44 of the Asyl\u00adum Act in the ver\u00adsi\u00adon pro\u00admul\u00adga\u00adted on 2 Sep\u00adtem\u00adber 2008 (Fede\u00adral Law Gazet\u00adte I p. 1798), as last amen\u00added by Artic\u00adle 6 of the Act of 31 July 2016 (Fede\u00adral Law Gazet\u00adte I p. 1939), com\u00admu\u00adnal accom\u00admo\u00adda\u00adti\u00adon faci\u00adli\u00adties pur\u00adsu\u00adant to sec\u00adtion 53 of the Asyl\u00adum Act or other pro\u00adper\u00adties and faci\u00adli\u00adties ser\u00adving the offi\u00adci\u00adal accom\u00admo\u00adda\u00adti\u00adon, even tem\u00adpo\u00adr\u00ada\u00adri\u00adly, of asyl\u00adum see\u00adkers or refu\u00adgees in a mana\u00adge\u00adri\u00adal capacity, \n5. guar\u00adding of access-pro\u00adtec\u00adted major events in a mana\u00adge\u00adri\u00adal capacity.<\/strong><\/p>\nIn order to veri\u00adfy the relia\u00adbi\u00adli\u00adty of a guard and a per\u00adson ent\u00adrus\u00adted with the manage\u00adment of the estab\u00adlish\u00adment or a branch office, the aut\u00adho\u00adri\u00adty respon\u00adsi\u00adble for enforce\u00adment under Land law at the natu\u00adral person\u2019s main place of resi\u00addence shall obtain at least unrest\u00adric\u00adted infor\u00adma\u00adti\u00adon pur\u00adsu\u00adant to sec\u00adtion 41(1) num\u00adber 9 of the Fede\u00adral Cen\u00adtral Regis\u00adter Act as well as a state\u00adment from the Land poli\u00adce aut\u00adho\u00adri\u00adty respon\u00adsi\u00adble for the place of resi\u00addence, of a cen\u00adtral poli\u00adce sta\u00adti\u00adon or the respec\u00adti\u00adve com\u00adpe\u00adtent Land Cri\u00admi\u00adnal Poli\u00adce Office as to whe\u00adther and which fac\u00adtu\u00adal indi\u00adca\u00adti\u00adons are known which could give rise to doubts as to relia\u00adbi\u00adli\u00adty, inso\u00adfar as pur\u00adpo\u00adses of cri\u00admi\u00adnal pro\u00adse\u00adcu\u00adti\u00adon or aver\u00adting dan\u00adger do not pre\u00adclude the trans\u00admis\u00adsi\u00adon of the fac\u00adtu\u00adal indi\u00adca\u00adti\u00adons. In the case of guards and per\u00adsons ent\u00adrus\u00adted with the manage\u00adment of the busi\u00adness or a branch office wit\u00adhout a prin\u00adci\u00adpal place of resi\u00addence in the Fede\u00adral Repu\u00adblic of Ger\u00adma\u00adny, the relia\u00adbi\u00adli\u00adty shall be veri\u00adfied by the aut\u00adho\u00adri\u00adty respon\u00adsi\u00adble for enforce\u00adment at the place of busi\u00adness of the trader who first regis\u00adters the natu\u00adral per\u00adson. Para\u00adgraph 1 sen\u00adtence 5 num\u00adber 4 shall app\u00adly accor\u00addin\u00adgly to guards who are to per\u00adform one of the fol\u00adlo\u00adwing tasks:<\/p>\n
1. guar\u00adding pur\u00adsu\u00adant to sen\u00adtence 2 num\u00adbers 4 and 5, inclu\u00adding in a non-mana\u00adge\u00adri\u00adal capa\u00adci\u00adty, or \n2. pro\u00adtec\u00adtion tasks in paci\u00adfied pro\u00adper\u00adty for objects from which a par\u00adti\u00adcu\u00adlar dan\u00adger for the gene\u00adral public may emana\u00adte in the event of cri\u00admi\u00adnal intervention.<\/p>\n
\nBewa\u00adchungs\u00adver\u00adord\u00adnung (BewachV)<\/h2>\nBewachV Sec\u00adtion 3 \u2014 Exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon of expert knowledge<\/h3>\nBewachV \u00a7 9 Pur\u00adpo\u00adse and sub\u00adject mat\u00adter of the expert know\u00adledge examination<\/h4>\n (1) The pur\u00adpo\u00adse of the expert know\u00adledge exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon pur\u00adsu\u00adant to Sec\u00adtion 34a (1) sen\u00adtence 3 num\u00adber 3 and (1a) sen\u00adtence 2 of the Trade, Com\u00admer\u00adce and Indus\u00adtry Regu\u00adla\u00adti\u00adon Act (Gewer\u00adbe\u00adord\u00adnung) is to pro\u00advi\u00adde evi\u00addence that the per\u00adsons named the\u00adr\u00adein have acqui\u00adred the know\u00adledge of the legal pro\u00advi\u00adsi\u00adons and pro\u00adfes\u00adsio\u00adnal duties and powers requi\u00adred for the inde\u00adpen\u00addent per\u00adfor\u00admance of guar\u00adding duties and their prac\u00adti\u00adcal application.<\/p>\n
(2) The sub\u00adject mat\u00adter of the exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon shall be the sub\u00adjects lis\u00adted in \u00a7 7 in con\u00adjunc\u00adtion with Annex 2; the exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon shall cover each of the sub\u00adjects lis\u00adted therein.<\/p>\n
BewachV \u00a7 10 Com\u00adpe\u00adtent body and exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon board<\/h4>\n (1) The exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon of pro\u00adfes\u00adsio\u00adnal com\u00adpe\u00adtence may be taken at any cham\u00adber of indus\u00adtry and com\u00admer\u00adce that offers it.<\/p>\n
(2) The Cham\u00adber of Indus\u00adtry and Com\u00admer\u00adce shall set up at least one exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon board to con\u00adduct the exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon. It shall appoint the mem\u00adbers of the board as well as the chair\u00adman and his depu\u00adty. The mem\u00adbers must be com\u00adpe\u00adtent in the exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon fields and sui\u00adta\u00adble for par\u00adti\u00adci\u00adpa\u00adti\u00adon in the exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon system.<\/p>\n
BewachV \u00a7 11 Inspec\u00adtion, procedure<\/h4>\n (1) The exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon shall be divi\u00added into an oral and a writ\u00adten part.<\/p>\n
(2) Up to five can\u00addi\u00adda\u00adtes may be exami\u00adned at the same time in the oral part of the exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon; it shall last appro\u00adxi\u00adm\u00adate\u00adly 15 minu\u00adtes for each can\u00addi\u00adda\u00adte. In the oral part of the exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon, the focus shall be on the are\u00adas men\u00adtio\u00adned in \u00a7 7 num\u00adber 1 and 6.<\/p>\n
(3) The writ\u00adten part of the exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon may be con\u00adduc\u00adted using dif\u00adfe\u00adrent media.<\/p>\n
(4) The candidate\u2019s per\u00adfor\u00admance shall be asses\u00adsed by the exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon com\u00admit\u00adtee as pas\u00adsed or fai\u00adled. The exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon is pas\u00adsed if the candidate\u2019s per\u00adfor\u00admance in the writ\u00adten part and in the oral part of the exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon has been asses\u00adsed as at least sufficient.<\/p>\n
(5) The exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon is not public. Howe\u00adver, in addi\u00adti\u00adon to the mem\u00adbers of the exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon board and the per\u00adsons to be exami\u00adned, the fol\u00adlo\u00adwing per\u00adsons may be present: \n1. Com\u00admis\u00adsio\u00adned repre\u00adsen\u00adta\u00adti\u00adves of the super\u00advi\u00adso\u00adry authorities, \n2. mem\u00adbers of ano\u00adther exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon board, \n3. repre\u00adsen\u00adta\u00adti\u00adves of the cham\u00adbers of com\u00admer\u00adce and industry, \n4. per\u00adsons char\u00adged with con\u00adtrol\u00adling the qua\u00adli\u00adty of the tests, or \n5. per\u00adsons desi\u00adgna\u00adted to be appoin\u00adted to an exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon board.these per\u00adsons may not inter\u00adfe\u00adre with the exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon in pro\u00adgress or be invol\u00adved in the deli\u00adbe\u00adra\u00adti\u00adon on the exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon result.<\/p>\n
(6) The exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon may be repeated.<\/p>\n
(7) The Cham\u00adber of Indus\u00adtry and Com\u00admer\u00adce shall issue a cer\u00adti\u00adfi\u00adca\u00adte in accordance with Annex 3 if the exami\u00adned per\u00adson has suc\u00adcessful\u00adly pas\u00adsed the examination.<\/p>\n
(8) The details of the exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon pro\u00adce\u00addu\u00adre shall be regu\u00adla\u00adted by the Cham\u00adbers of Indus\u00adtry and Com\u00admer\u00adce by sta\u00adtu\u00adte in accordance with sec\u00adtion 32 of the Trade, Com\u00admer\u00adce and Indus\u00adtry Regu\u00adla\u00adti\u00adon Act.<\/p>\n
BewachV \u00a7 12 Reco\u00adgni\u00adti\u00adon of other evidence<\/h4>\n Hol\u00adders of the cer\u00adti\u00adfi\u00adca\u00adtes refer\u00adred to in \u00a7 8 num\u00adbers 1 to 3 do not need to take the exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon pur\u00adsu\u00adant to \u00a7 9.<\/p>\n
BewachV \u00a7 8 Reco\u00adgni\u00adti\u00adon of other evidence \n(Refe\u00adrence from BewachV \u00a7 12 Reco\u00adgni\u00adti\u00adon of other evi\u00addence [for the expert know\u00adledge examination])<\/h4>\n If the fol\u00adlo\u00adwing evi\u00addence is available, pro\u00adof of ins\u00adtruc\u00adtion is not required:<\/p>\n
1. pro\u00adof of a suc\u00adcessful\u00adly pas\u00adsed final examination \na) as a cer\u00adti\u00adfied plant secu\u00adri\u00adty specialist, \nb) as a cer\u00adti\u00adfied pro\u00adtec\u00adtion and secu\u00adri\u00adty worker, \nc) as a ser\u00advice worker for pro\u00adtec\u00adtion and security, \nd) as a spe\u00adcia\u00adlist for pro\u00adtec\u00adtion and security, \ne) as a cer\u00adti\u00adfied mas\u00adter craft\u00adsman or cer\u00adti\u00adfied mas\u00adter craft\u00adswo\u00adman for pro\u00adtec\u00adtion and security, \nf) as a cer\u00adti\u00adfied plant secu\u00adri\u00adty fore\u00adman or forewoman,<\/p>\n
2. exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon cer\u00adti\u00adfi\u00adca\u00adte on the suc\u00adcessful com\u00adple\u00adti\u00adon of a care\u00ader exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon at least for the inter\u00adme\u00addia\u00adte ser\u00advice in the field of trai\u00adning for the poli\u00adce enforce\u00adment ser\u00advice of a Land or of the Fede\u00adra\u00adti\u00adon, for the pri\u00adson ser\u00advice, for the wea\u00adpon-bea\u00adring field of the cus\u00adtoms ser\u00advice and for the mili\u00adta\u00adry poli\u00adce ser\u00advice of the Fede\u00adral Armed Forces,<\/p>\n
3. an exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon cer\u00adti\u00adfi\u00adca\u00adte con\u00adfir\u00adming suc\u00adcessful com\u00adple\u00adti\u00adon of a law degree cour\u00adse at a uni\u00adver\u00adsi\u00adty or aca\u00adde\u00admy awar\u00adding a degree equi\u00adva\u00adlent to a uni\u00adver\u00adsi\u00adty degree, if pro\u00adof of ins\u00adtruc\u00adtion by a cham\u00adber of indus\u00adtry and com\u00admer\u00adce in the sub\u00adject are\u00adas pur\u00adsu\u00adant to sec\u00adtion 7 num\u00adbers 5 to 7 is also provided,<\/p>\n
4. cer\u00adti\u00adfi\u00adca\u00adte of a suc\u00adcessful\u00adly pas\u00adsed expert know\u00adledge exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon accor\u00adding to \u00a7 11 para\u00adgraph 7.<\/p>\n
BewachV Annex 2 (to \u00a7 7) Sub\u00adject are\u00adas for the ins\u00adtruc\u00adtion pro\u00adce\u00addu\u00adre in the guar\u00adding trade \nSecu\u00adri\u00adty guards (40 tea\u00adching hours) \n(Refe\u00adrence from BewachV \u00a7 9 Para. 2 Pur\u00adpo\u00adse and sub\u00adject of the expert know\u00adledge exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon [con\u00adtents also app\u00adly to the expert know\u00adledge examination])<\/h4>\n 1. public safe\u00adty and order law inclu\u00adding trade law \n\u2014 Tasks and demar\u00adca\u00adti\u00adon of the acti\u00advi\u00adties of secu\u00adri\u00adty com\u00adpa\u00adnies from the tasks of the poli\u00adce and public order authorities \n\u2014 \u00a7 34a Trade, Com\u00admer\u00adce and Indus\u00adtry Regu\u00adla\u00adti\u00adon Act, Sur\u00adveil\u00adlan\u00adce Ordinance<\/p>\n
2. data pro\u00adtec\u00adtion law<\/p>\n
3. civil code \n\u2014 Self-defence (\u00a7 227 BGB), sta\u00adte of neces\u00adsi\u00adty (\u00a7\u00a7 228, 904 BGB), self-help (\u00a7\u00a7 229, 859 BGB), pro\u00adhi\u00adbi\u00adted unlawful inter\u00adfe\u00adrence (\u00a7 858 BGB), lia\u00adbi\u00adli\u00adty and tort law (\u00a7\u00a7 823 ff. BGB), pro\u00adper\u00adty and pos\u00adses\u00adsi\u00adon (\u00a7\u00a7 903, 854 BGB), pro\u00adhi\u00adbi\u00adti\u00adon of harass\u00adment (\u00a7 226 BGB), wher\u00adeby ques\u00adti\u00adons of demar\u00adca\u00adti\u00adon to the rele\u00advant pro\u00advi\u00adsi\u00adons of the Cri\u00admi\u00adnal Code (\u00a7\u00a732 to 35) are poin\u00adted out.<\/p>\n
4. cri\u00admi\u00adnal and pro\u00adce\u00addu\u00adral law, hand\u00adling wea\u00adpons \u2014 indi\u00advi\u00addu\u00adal offen\u00adces (e.g. \u00a7 123, \u00a7\u00a7 185 ff., \u00a7\u00a7 223 ff., \u00a7 239, \u00a7 240, \u00a7\u00a7 244 ff. StGB) \n\u2014 pro\u00advi\u00adsio\u00adnal arrest (\u00a7 127 StPO) \n\u2014 Basic fea\u00adtures of the tasks of the public prosecutor\u2019s office and the poli\u00adce (sec\u00adtions 152, 163 Code of Cri\u00admi\u00adnal Procedure) \n\u2014 Hand\u00adling wea\u00adpons (batons, irrit\u00adant sprays etc.)<\/p>\n
5. acci\u00addent prevention<\/p>\n
6. deal\u00ading with peo\u00adp\u00adle, in par\u00adti\u00adcu\u00adlar beha\u00adviour in dan\u00adge\u00adrous situa\u00adtions and de-escala\u00adti\u00adon tech\u00adni\u00adques in con\u00adflict situa\u00adtions as well as inter\u00adcul\u00adtu\u00adral com\u00adpe\u00adtence with spe\u00adcial atten\u00adti\u00adon to diver\u00adsi\u00adty and social variety \n\u2014 Self-esteem (pre\u00adre\u00adqui\u00adsi\u00adtes for pro\u00adper inter\u00adac\u00adtion with ones\u00adelf and one\u2019s fel\u00adlow human beings) \n\u2014 Exces\u00adsi\u00adve fee\u00adlings of self-wort\u00adh\/in\u00adfe\u00adrio\u00adri\u00adty (cau\u00adses and loss of standards) \n\u2014 Conflict\/stress (ori\u00adg\u00adins, levels of con\u00adflict, dif\u00adfi\u00adcult situa\u00adtions, solutions) \n\u2014 Cor\u00adrect\u00adly addres\u00adsing and lea\u00adding in con\u00adver\u00adsa\u00adti\u00adon (basic rules for right\/wrong behaviour) \n\u2014 inter\u00adcul\u00adtu\u00adral com\u00adpe\u00adtence with spe\u00adcial atten\u00adti\u00adon to diversity \n\u2014 Deal\u00ading with and pro\u00adtec\u00adting par\u00adti\u00adcu\u00adlar\u00adly vul\u00adnerable refu\u00adgees (such as women tra\u00advel\u00adling alo\u00adne, homo\u00adse\u00adxu\u00adals, trans\u00adgen\u00adder per\u00adsons, per\u00adsons with disa\u00adbi\u00adli\u00adties, vic\u00adtims of seve\u00adre violence)<\/p>\n
7. basic prin\u00adci\u00adples of safe\u00adty engineering \n\u2014 Mecha\u00adni\u00adcal safe\u00adty technology \n\u2014 Hazard detec\u00adtion sys\u00adtems; alarm tracking \n\u2014 Fire protection<\/p>\n
[The infor\u00adma\u00adti\u00adon on tea\u00adching hours (time units per sub\u00adject area) in the ori\u00adgi\u00adnal text does not play a role when taking the expert know\u00adledge exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon, but only when pro\u00advi\u00adding ins\u00adtruc\u00adtion in accordance with \u00a7 34a GewO].<\/p>\n
BewachV Annex 3 (to Sec\u00adtion 11 (7)) \u2014 Cer\u00adti\u00adfi\u00adca\u00adte of suc\u00adcessful com\u00adple\u00adti\u00adon of an expert exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon in accordance with Sec\u00adtion 34a (1) sen\u00adtence 3 num\u00adber 3 and (1a) sen\u00adtence 2 of the Trade, Com\u00admer\u00adce and Indus\u00adtry Regu\u00adla\u00adti\u00adon Act (Gewer\u00adbe\u00adord\u00adnung)<\/h4>\n (Fami\u00adly name and first name)<\/p>\n
Born on \nin \nResi\u00addent in \nhas on \nbefo\u00adre the Cham\u00adber of Com\u00admer\u00adce and Industry<\/p>\n
suc\u00adcessful\u00adly pas\u00adsed the exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon of com\u00adpe\u00adtence for the exer\u00adcise of the guard and secu\u00adri\u00adty trade.<\/p>\n
The audit cover\u00aded in par\u00adti\u00adcu\u00adlar the tech\u00adni\u00adcal duties and powers of the fol\u00adlo\u00adwing sub\u00adject areas: \n1. public safe\u00adty and order law, inclu\u00adding trade law, \n2. data pro\u00adtec\u00adtion law, \n3rd Civil Code, \n4. cri\u00admi\u00adnal law and cri\u00admi\u00adnal pro\u00adce\u00addu\u00adre, hand\u00adling of weapons, \n5. acci\u00addent pre\u00adven\u00adti\u00adon regu\u00adla\u00adti\u00adon for guard and secu\u00adri\u00adty services, \n6. deal\u00ading with peo\u00adp\u00adle, espe\u00adci\u00adal\u00adly beha\u00adviour in dan\u00adge\u00adrous situa\u00adtions and de-escala\u00adti\u00adon tech\u00adni\u00adques in con\u00adflict situa\u00adtions as well as inter\u00adcul\u00adtu\u00adral com\u00adpe\u00adtence with spe\u00adcial atten\u00adti\u00adon to diver\u00adsi\u00adty and social diversity, \n7. basic prin\u00adci\u00adples of safe\u00adty engineering.<\/p>\n
(Place and date)(Signature)<\/p>\n
Foo\u00adter: Cham\u00adber of Com\u00admer\u00adce and Indus\u00adtry iden\u00adti\u00adfi\u00adca\u00adti\u00adon num\u00adber and vali\u00adda\u00adti\u00adon code<\/p>\n
\nDo you have any ques\u00adti\u00adons about the expert know\u00adledge exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon or pre\u00adpa\u00adra\u00adti\u00adon for the expert know\u00adledge exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon in accordance with \u00a7 34a? We have com\u00adpi\u00adled ans\u00adwers to fre\u00adquent\u00adly asked ques\u00adti\u00adons for you on the next page:<\/p>\n
More\u2026<\/a><\/p>","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"Recht\u00adli\u00adche Vor\u00adga\u00adben \u00fcber\u00adsicht\u00adlich zusam\u00admen\u00adge\u00adfasst An die\u00adser Stel\u00adle fin\u00adden Sie die wesent\u00adli\u00adchen recht\u00adli\u00adchen Vor\u00adga\u00adben aus dem \u00a7 34a der Gewer\u00adbe\u00adord\u00adnung (GewO) und der Bewa\u00adchungs\u00adver\u00adord\u00adnung (BewachV) hin\u00adsicht\u00adlich der Sach\u00adkunde\u00adpr\u00fcf\u00adung im Bewa\u00adchungs\u00adge\u00adwer\u00adbe auf einer Sei\u00adte zusam\u00admen\u00adge\u00adfasst. Zu den Voll\u00adtex\u00adten der Regel\u00adwer\u00adke gelan\u00adgen Sie hier: \u00a7 34a der Gewer\u00adbe\u00adord\u00adnung (Bewa\u00adchungs\u00adge\u00adwer\u00adbe; Ver\u00adord\u00adnungs\u00ader\u00adm\u00e4ch\u00adti\u00adgung), zuletzt ge\u00e4n\u00addert am 22.11.2019 Ver\u00adord\u00adnung \u00fcber das Bewachungsgewerbe [\u2026]<\/p>","protected":false},"author":1,"featured_media":0,"parent":0,"menu_order":0,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","template":"","meta":{"wp_typography_post_enhancements_disabled":false,"footnotes":""},"class_list":["post-628","page","type-page","status-publish","hentry"],"yoast_head":"\n
GewO und BewachV - Sachkunde Infoportal<\/title>\n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n \n\t \n