{"id":222677,"date":"2023-07-25T00:22:26","date_gmt":"2023-07-24T22:22:26","guid":{"rendered":"https:\/\/www.sachkunde-34a.de\/?p=222677"},"modified":"2023-07-25T00:35:07","modified_gmt":"2023-07-24T22:35:07","slug":"bewacherregister-id-anmeldung-sicherheitsmitarbeiter","status":"publish","type":"post","link":"https:\/\/www.sachkunde-34a.de\/en\/guard-register-id-application-security-employee\/","title":{"rendered":"What is the guard register?"},"content":{"rendered":"

In 2019, the sta\u00adte and nati\u00adon\u00adwi\u00adde guard regis\u00adter was new\u00adly intro\u00addu\u00adced, which is obli\u00adga\u00adto\u00adry for the pri\u00adva\u00adte secu\u00adri\u00adty indus\u00adtry. In this artic\u00adle, you will learn what the pur\u00adpo\u00adse of the guard regis\u00adter is, who makes ent\u00adries in it, what the guard ID is all about and much more that you should know as a secu\u00adri\u00adty employee \u2014 but espe\u00adci\u00adal\u00adly as a pro\u00adfes\u00adsio\u00adnal in the secu\u00adri\u00adty industry.
\nInci\u00adden\u00adtal\u00adly, the guard regis\u00adter can be found on the inter\u00adnet at www.bewacherregister.de<\/a><\/p>\n

Basic infor\u00adma\u00adti\u00adon on the guard regis\u00adter (BWR)<\/h3>\n

The Ger\u00adman Guar\u00adding Regis\u00adter is a cen\u00adtral and digi\u00adtal regis\u00adter that con\u00adta\u00adins infor\u00adma\u00adti\u00adon on guar\u00adding per\u00adson\u00adnel (secu\u00adri\u00adty staff) as well as on the guar\u00adding trade ope\u00adra\u00adtor (secu\u00adri\u00adty con\u00adtrac\u00adtor) and the com\u00admer\u00adcial enter\u00adpri\u00adse (secu\u00adri\u00adty com\u00adpa\u00adny). Sin\u00adce July 2020, the Fede\u00adral Minis\u00adtry of the Inte\u00adri\u00ador and Home Affairs (BMI) has been respon\u00adsi\u00adble for the law on secu\u00adri\u00adty guards and thus also for the regis\u00adter of secu\u00adri\u00adty guards. As the fede\u00adral aut\u00adho\u00adri\u00adty respon\u00adsi\u00adble for the ope\u00adra\u00adtio\u00adnal manage\u00adment of the regis\u00adter sin\u00adce Octo\u00adber 2022 is the Fede\u00adral Sta\u00adtis\u00adti\u00adcal Office (Desta\u00adtis):<\/a><\/p>\n

Sin\u00adce the intro\u00adduc\u00adtion of the Guar\u00adding Regis\u00adter (BWR), all trad\u00aders in the guar\u00adding sec\u00adtor are obli\u00adged to regis\u00adter their com\u00adpa\u00adnies and their secu\u00adri\u00adty staff in the BWR.<\/strong> In future, only the aut\u00adho\u00adri\u00adties respon\u00adsi\u00adble for enfor\u00adcing the guar\u00adding laws may make chan\u00adges to the ent\u00adries of natu\u00adral per\u00adsons. For this pur\u00adpo\u00adse, trad\u00aders pro\u00advi\u00adde infor\u00adma\u00adti\u00adon in the BWR on the qua\u00adli\u00adfi\u00adca\u00adti\u00adon, relia\u00adbi\u00adli\u00adty, iden\u00adti\u00adty and acces\u00adsi\u00adbi\u00adli\u00adty of secu\u00adri\u00adty personnel.<\/p>\n

About 1,300 muni\u00adci\u00adpal public order offices and other com\u00adpe\u00adtent aut\u00adho\u00adri\u00adties of the L\u00e4n\u00adder check the infor\u00adma\u00adti\u00adon pro\u00advi\u00added, appro\u00adve or reject com\u00admer\u00adcial enter\u00adpri\u00adses and secu\u00adri\u00adty per\u00adson\u00adnel. In doing so, they use the BWR to access infor\u00adma\u00adti\u00adon from the Asso\u00adcia\u00adti\u00adon of Ger\u00adman Cham\u00adbers of Indus\u00adtry and Com\u00admer\u00adce (DIHK) regar\u00adding qua\u00adli\u00adfi\u00adca\u00adti\u00adons and from the Fede\u00adral Office for the Pro\u00adtec\u00adtion of the Con\u00adsti\u00adtu\u00adti\u00adon (BfV) regar\u00adding reliability.<\/p>\n

If someone wants to work in the guar\u00adding busi\u00adness, they have to pass a back\u00adground check. The results of this check are recor\u00added in the guar\u00adding regis\u00adter. The regis\u00adter also con\u00adta\u00adins infor\u00adma\u00adti\u00adon on pro\u00adfes\u00adsio\u00adnal qua\u00adli\u00adfi\u00adca\u00adti\u00adons as well as infor\u00adma\u00adti\u00adon on the iden\u00adti\u00adty of the regis\u00adtered person.<\/strong><\/p>\n

Employ\u00aders in the secu\u00adri\u00adty sec\u00adtor are obli\u00adged to car\u00adry out a search in the guard regis\u00adter befo\u00adre employ\u00ading a secu\u00adri\u00adty employee (guard). This is to ensu\u00adre that only sui\u00adta\u00adble and relia\u00adble per\u00adsons are employ\u00aded in the secu\u00adri\u00adty sector.<\/p>\n

The guard regis\u00adter is thus inten\u00added to con\u00adtri\u00adbu\u00adte to impro\u00adving secu\u00adri\u00adty and qua\u00adli\u00adty in the secu\u00adri\u00adty indus\u00adtry and to streng\u00adthening public con\u00adfi\u00addence in the pri\u00adva\u00adte secu\u00adri\u00adty industry.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n

What is the guard regis\u00adter iden\u00adti\u00adfi\u00adca\u00adti\u00adon number?<\/h3>\n

The guard regis\u00adter iden\u00adti\u00adfi\u00adca\u00adti\u00adon num\u00adber (in short: guard ID) is a uni\u00adque iden\u00adti\u00adfi\u00adca\u00adti\u00adon num\u00adber<\/strong>which allows for clear iden\u00adti\u00adfi\u00adca\u00adti\u00adon and attri\u00adbu\u00adti\u00adon. A guard ID is assi\u00adgned when the guard is first ente\u00adred into the regis\u00adter. The ID of a secu\u00adri\u00adty guard is valid even if the employ\u00ader chan\u00adges, i.e. it always remains the same for a per\u00adson \u2014 at least if one is con\u00adti\u00adnuous\u00adly employ\u00aded in the secu\u00adri\u00adty sec\u00adtor wit\u00adhout lon\u00adger inter\u00adrup\u00adti\u00adons. Secu\u00adri\u00adty guards, i.e. secu\u00adri\u00adty con\u00adtrac\u00adtors, also recei\u00adve such a 7\u2011digit ID number.<\/p>\n

How do I obtain a guard ID as an employee?<\/h3>\n

If you are new to the pri\u00adva\u00adte secu\u00adri\u00adty indus\u00adtry, you will recei\u00adve your guard ID when you first enter the guard regis\u00adter. The initi\u00adal regis\u00adtra\u00adti\u00adon is done by your (poten\u00adti\u00adal) employ\u00ader. If you chan\u00adge secu\u00adri\u00adty com\u00adpa\u00adnies, you should request your guard ID direct\u00adly from your pre\u00advious employ\u00ader. The advan\u00adta\u00adge of this is that you can be released imme\u00addia\u00adte\u00adly becau\u00adse the regis\u00adter can be che\u00adcked more quick\u00adly with the new employ\u00ader. You should also find your guard ID as an indi\u00adca\u00adti\u00adon on your ser\u00advice card.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n

Do I have to pay for the guard ID if I want to work in the pri\u00adva\u00adte secu\u00adri\u00adty industry?<\/h3>\n

No. In prin\u00adci\u00adple, the employ\u00ader has to bear the\u00adse cos\u00adts, which ari\u00adse from the (first-time) regis\u00adtra\u00adti\u00adon of the guard in the guard regis\u00adter. Some employ\u00aders have the idea of char\u00adging the\u00adse cos\u00adts to the new employee or deduc\u00adting them from the first sala\u00adry. Such beha\u00adviour is not very serious. The situa\u00adti\u00adon is dif\u00adfe\u00adrent, of cour\u00adse, if poten\u00adti\u00adal employees deli\u00adbera\u00adte\u00adly pro\u00advi\u00adde fal\u00adse infor\u00adma\u00adti\u00adon (e.g. about pre\u00advious con\u00advic\u00adtions): fair play for both sides!<\/p>\n


Can I car\u00adry out all acti\u00advi\u00adties in the pri\u00adva\u00adte secu\u00adri\u00adty indus\u00adtry with a guard ID?<\/h3>\n

No. For cer\u00adtain acti\u00advi\u00adties you need the Exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon of exper\u00adti\u00adse accor\u00adding to \u00a7 34a GewO<\/a> or addi\u00adtio\u00adnal qua\u00adli\u00adfi\u00adca\u00adti\u00adons such as wea\u00adpons exper\u00adti\u00adse. In addi\u00adti\u00adon, it may be that the com\u00adpe\u00adtent aut\u00adho\u00adri\u00adty atta\u00adches cer\u00adtain con\u00addi\u00adti\u00adons to employ\u00adment or pro\u00adhi\u00adbits employ\u00adment com\u00adple\u00adte\u00adly, e.g. due to pre\u00advious convictions.<\/p>\n

Can I work in a secu\u00adri\u00adty com\u00adpa\u00adny wit\u00adhout a guard ID?<\/h3>\n

Not in prin\u00adci\u00adple, but it depends on the spe\u00adci\u00adfic acti\u00advi\u00adty: If you pro\u00adfes\u00adsio\u00adnal\u00adly guard lives or pro\u00adper\u00adty of others, an ent\u00adry in the guard regis\u00adter is requi\u00adred. Wit\u00adhout a guard ID and cle\u00adarance, you may not work for a secu\u00adri\u00adty com\u00adpa\u00adny as a secu\u00adri\u00adty guard. Howe\u00adver, the\u00adre are acti\u00advi\u00adties that do not fall under guar\u00adding, such as pure ste\u00adwar\u00adding acti\u00advi\u00adties or ticket vali\u00adda\u00adti\u00adon. In this case, you are not working as a com\u00admer\u00adcial secu\u00adri\u00adty guard and do not need a guard ID.<\/p>\n<\/div>\n

As an employ\u00ader, what do I have to pay par\u00adti\u00adcu\u00adlar atten\u00adti\u00adon to in the guard register?<\/h3>\n

First and fore\u00admost, it is important that all employ\u00aded guards have been repor\u00adted and that the Release<\/strong> has been car\u00adri\u00aded out befo\u00adre they work in the secu\u00adri\u00adty ser\u00advice for even the first minu\u00adte. In addi\u00adti\u00adon, the con\u00adcre\u00adte Ran\u00adge of appli\u00adca\u00adti\u00adon<\/strong> be spe\u00adci\u00adfied and also regu\u00adlar\u00adly updated, e.g. if a secu\u00adri\u00adty guard takes on more deman\u00adding tasks (e.g. as a shop detec\u00adti\u00adve or cer\u00adtain manage\u00adment tasks) ins\u00adtead of pre\u00advious\u00adly simp\u00adle guar\u00adding tasks (e.g. in pro\u00adper\u00adty pro\u00adtec\u00adtion), espe\u00adci\u00adal\u00adly if for this the Exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon of exper\u00adti\u00adse accor\u00adding to \u00a7 34a Gewo requi\u00adred<\/a> is.
\nA Dis\u00admis\u00adsal of an employee<\/strong> for exam\u00adp\u00adle, must be noti\u00adfied to the com\u00adpe\u00adtent aut\u00adho\u00adri\u00adty via the guard regis\u00adter no later than 7 weeks after ter\u00admi\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon of the employ\u00adment rela\u00adti\u00adonship so that the employee can be deregistered.
\nAlso Chan\u00adges in the mas\u00adter data<\/strong> such as chan\u00adges of address of employees, entre\u00adpre\u00adneurs and com\u00adpa\u00adnies, new tele\u00adpho\u00adne avai\u00adla\u00adbi\u00adli\u00adty, etc. must of cour\u00adse be repor\u00adted in order to keep this infor\u00adma\u00adti\u00adon up to date.<\/p>\n

It should also be noted that \u2014 depen\u00adding on the local aut\u00adho\u00adri\u00adty \u2014 the regis\u00adtra\u00adti\u00adon of new secu\u00adri\u00adty staff can some\u00adti\u00admes invol\u00adve con\u00adsidera\u00adble wai\u00adting times<\/strong> during the exami\u00adna\u00adti\u00adon of the regis\u00adtra\u00adti\u00adon up to the final release. Fur\u00adther\u00admo\u00adre, every new instal\u00adla\u00adti\u00adon for guards is a Fee<\/strong> to pay. This is curr\u00adent\u00adly usual\u00adly at least 50 euros, but can also be con\u00adsider\u00ada\u00adb\u00adly hig\u00adher in some regions.
\nIf a guard is alre\u00ada\u00addy regis\u00adtered, i.e. an ID is available, this only needs to be re-lin\u00adked \u2014 the\u00adre are then no fees for the entrepreneur.<\/p>\n

Inci\u00adden\u00adtal\u00adly, ent\u00adries are curr\u00adent\u00adly auto\u00adma\u00adti\u00adcal\u00adly dele\u00adted after 12 months fol\u00adlo\u00adwing the dere\u00adgis\u00adtra\u00adti\u00adon of secu\u00adri\u00adty guards. This means that if an appli\u00adcant regis\u00adters with a guard ID and has not work\u00aded in the indus\u00adtry for over a year, it is very likely that the check will have to be com\u00adple\u00adte\u00adly redone.<\/p>\n


What all is in the guard register?<\/h3>\n

The data that may be recor\u00added in the regis\u00adter and pro\u00adces\u00adsed by the regis\u00adter aut\u00adho\u00adri\u00adty is set out in \u00a7 Sec\u00adtion 11b para. 2 of the Trade, Com\u00admer\u00adce and Indus\u00adtry Regu\u00adla\u00adti\u00adon Act (GewO)<\/a> set.<\/p>\n